luni, 6 octombrie 2008

A description of the Lord - part 2

"God Loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son, that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

"The Lord: I tell you: God is love and the Son is His wisdom. And God loved the world so much that He gave His only-begotten Son, that is, His wisdom, emanating from Him from eternity, into this world that all who believe in Him may not die but have eternal life. (...)
Look here. I have a head, a body and hands and feet. The head, the body, hands and feet are flesh, and this flesh is the Son of Man, for what is flesh comes from the flesh. But in this Son of Man who is flesh there dwells God's wisdom, and that is God's only begotten Son.
Not God's only-begotten Son, but only the Son of Man will, like the brazen Moses-serpent in the wilderness, be lifted up, and many will be taking offence at that. Those who do not take offence, but believe and will adhere to His name, to them He will give the power to be called children of God, and their life and kingdom will be everlasting." (GGJ vol. 1, 21:1, 3)

"It was not to judge the world that God sent his Son into the world, but that through him, the world might be saved."
(John 3:17)

"You must not expect some judgment of the world as, for instance, wars, floods or even fire from the heavens consuming all heathens. For behold, God did not send His only-begotten Son into the world to judge this world, but to fully save it, that is, that also the flesh might not perish, but may rise to eternal life together with the spirit. However, in order to attain to this, the material feelings of exaltation in the flesh must be eradicated by belief, namely belief in the Son of Man that He has come into the world, born from eternity out of God, so that all shall have eternal life who believe in His name and adhere to it." (GGJ vol. 1, 21:4)

"The One Who has sent Me is My eternal Fater and is within Me; and si I have sent Myself into this world out of My love for mankind in order to bring and give you life eternal.
My word and My teaching, showing you the way to everlasting love, is that will of the One Whi is within Me and Who has sent Me. For the Father, as eternal Love, is within Me and I, as its light, am within it.
Look at the flame of the lamp giving light here on this table. Can you separate the light from the flame or the flame from the light? The flame is that which I call "Father"and "love", and the light is the Son sent by the flame in order to light up the darkness of the night. Are not the flame and its light one thing? And is not the flame in the light just as the light is in the flame?
If this is so, and cannot possibly be otherwise, the Father's will does certainly manifest in the light emanating from Him." (GGJ vol. 8, 138:9-11)

"For though the power of My living and most active will I am Myself from eternity all in everything is within Me. Th Father, Who has sent Me as a Son of Man into this world, is within Me. But I and He are not two, but completely one and, therefore, the Father's will is also My will and it is active everywhere.
Of course, no one can see the Father alone, for without Me He would not be there, nor would I without Him, as I and He are completely one Being. He who now sees and hears Me does also see and hear the Father, for I, as the Father, have sent Myself into this world by My will.
Happy you who believe in Me, for he who believes in Me does also believe in the Father Who has sent Me and Who will give him life eternal." (GGJ col. 8, 158:16-17)

"I Myself,who am now speaking with you, am this God, as has been announced to men by the prophets. According to My eternal decree, it has pleased Me, as Myself a man of flesh and blood, to come among the languishing people, astray in the night of sin, as a brightest and life-giving light and to save them from the hard yoke and judgement of eternal death.
But I did not come only to the Jews, who from the very beginning were the people of the One, true God - and still call themselves that, although many have already long ago, because of their evil actions, become a people of hell.
I also came to the Gentiles, who actually originate from the same first man of this earth, but in the course of time have let themselves be enticed so much by the temptations of the world that they forsook the only true God and did no longer recognize Him. From the dead and perishable matter they created for themselves gods that suited them and whom they revered and worshiped, as is still the case today and with which you are familiar.
In order that also the Gentiles may recognize the eternal, most alive truth, which dwells only in God, I came also to them and am returning to them the voluntarily long-lost light of life and also life eternal.
I Myself am the light, the way, eternal truth and life. Whoever believes in Me and lives according to My teaching has eternal life already within him and will never see or feel death, even if he died bodily a thousand times. For whoever believes in Me, keeps My commandments and, thus, loves Me above all, is within Me and I am in spirit within him. And in whomsoever I am dwelling, in him is also eternal life.
And so I have now, as promised, shown you the alone true, sole God. Now do search yourselves whether you also believe this." (HHJ vol. 9, 4:4/7)

A description of the Lord - part 1

A Howard Storm presentation (fully compatible with the New Revelation)

Excerpts from the New Revelation about the Lord as God:
(see also excerpts from the NR site in Romanian and English, with Internet Explorer)

"I dwelt from eternity in My inaccessible light out of Myself. But for the sake of mankind I have stepped out of this My center and My light in such a way that, within the same center and the same light, which was from eternity completely inaccessible even to the highest angels, I came to this earth where I am now accessible even to you men and you can bear My light." (The Great Gospel of John vol. 4/122, 6 on; also vol. 4/255, vol. 4/ 57, 13 on)

"Yet this is why I clothed Myself with a body, so that I no longer appear to you as an incomprehensible and invisible God, but as a ma with whom you can talk and associate as with your peers, and I have thereby not only made you My children in My true image, but also My friends and brothers." (GGJ vol. 10, 207:11)

"I must go down for the sake of the people and nobody will prevent it; for I have only come for their sake, so that they may be redeemed." (GGJ vol. 11, 63)

"I, Christ, alone am the only God! Men, angels, sovereignties and powers, in fact, all things in heaven and on earth, have always submitted to Me and shall in eternity submit to Me alone, the same as all by your standards ever so vast-seeming universes are swallowed up by the one infinite space of creation compared to which they appear like a nothing."

"Are you afraid of Me, seeing that I can command death? Don't you see that I am the Lord of Life? Don't you have every reason to rejoice?! Why are you so faint-hearted?
- God's love, meeckness and mercy are infinite, and He does not forget even he least of His created beings. The God of revenge lives only in your fantasy. You made Him that because only a revengeful, stern God appeared to the Jews as worthy of veneration, wherefore so much emphasis is placed on His judgements which, however, were always only the consequence of the wickedness, foolishness and obduracy of men.
But I am the Father Himself, Who has now descended in the form of man in order to show His immense love to the people and to oopen for them the gates to life, which they have barricaded themselves. Why, then, are you affraid when you see Me break open the gates of death so that life can enter in abundance? Have you ever heard that I turned away from someone asking for Me? Therefore, come to Me all of you so that I may comfort you and completely free you from all fetters of death!" (GGJ vol. 11, 37)

"For whoever believes in Me, does not believe in Me, but in Him Who has sent Me. And who sees Me, sees Him, who has sent Me.
I came into the world as a light, so that everyone who believes in Me does not remain in darkness, but walks in the light of day. Therefore, I have spoken before the people the way I did, have also told them that My Kingdom is not of this world, and have always shown them the road they must walk in order to win My Kingdom.
I shall not judge anyone who hears My words, yet does not believe in them. For I did not come to judge the world and rule it as a tyrannical king, but to bring the world salvation through the word and peace. Whoever despises Me, not accepting My word, has enough udgement within him. For the world which I have spoken and which will remain forever, will judge him on his Judgement Day, when he leaves this material world and enters into the eternal Kingdom, where I shall be - and forever remain - a true king.
I did not speak out of Myself, but the Father, Who has sent Me, has given Me a commandment as to what I shall do and say. And I know that His commandment is life eternal. So, I speak as the Father tells me to. Therefore, be unconcerned about what has happened and is still going to happen; the Father wills it thus!"
(...) The Father, the Son and the power are one, will remain so and cannot ever be separated, as you well know. The Father is in the Son and the Son will soon be in the Father, united through the power. But the Son must obey the Father, and if He does this, the Father will give Him everything. This the Son knows, because the Father has told Him so. It will take only a little while yet, and the Son will be in the Father forevermore. How this can be achieved, is not yet your concern; but it will be for your benefit and that of all mankind." (GGJ vol. 11, 68)

"For not until My body had died, did, as with every human being, the material and the spiritual merge comletely. The Son of Man, like everybody else, demanded the rights of the physical man and was subject to the needs of the body as well as to emotions, which only through faith and a firm will had progressed from doubts to knowledge, bringing about the complete mergence of body, soul and spirit.
From that moment, when in the lonely valley the Deity within Me had made the last attempt to remonstrate with Lucifer, the Son of Man again came to the fore, Who in Ghetsemane in the end had to suffer the anguish and agony of death in order to break all the bonds of death, unbelief and doubt, notwithstanding His indwelling Deity. Who with one word could have destroyed Its Creation, yet humbled Itself deeper than the lowest creature, so as to save it." (GGJ vol. 11, 35)

continued with... A description of the Lord - part 2

joi, 2 octombrie 2008


THE NEW REVELATION is a body of works containing the writings of two men from the XIX-th Century: Austrian Jakob Lorber and German Gottfried Mayerhofer. Not knowing each other personally, these two men presented themselves as “humble scribes of the Lord”, affirming that all their writings were the fruit of receiving a mysterious inner Word, an interior dictation coming directly from JESUS CHRIST, that only they could hear. However, the result of their work is an incredible amount of pages
(approx. 10000 to Lorber and another few thousands to Mayerhofer), grouped in books which present a vast picture of the spiritual and material world and creation, the life of Christ on earth (“The Great Gospel of John”, 11 volumes in German and “The Childhood of Jesus”), the most important spiritual facts from the history of the first men, the life in the beyond, etc.

There are many proofs for the authenticity of the New Revelation considering the way it was conceived (manuscripts are available at the Lorber Verlag Publishing House in Germany), the logic and perfect consistence of all books, the historical data and the amazing accomplished predictions… so there are many things that can charm and convince an open and rational mind. Indeed, it is easy to discover that these extraordinary teachings far surpasses everything that philosophy or religion or even science proposed as an answer to the greatest questions of human existence; part of them are translated in many languages and part can be found free on the Internet. In them we can find spiritual explanations and interpretations that confirm and complete the most important parts of the Old and New Testament and also incredible prophecies and scientific predictions.
Still, I definitely believe that the real core of these texts, which is the purest and greatest love only a true loving heart can recognize and validate… and I have the greatest hopes that any heart already touched by the divine spirit will be able to embrace it immediately.

Our days, although many other minor mystics revelations are treated with a lot of respect and attention in the theological world, although we live in a time when all kind of “shocking” archaeological discoveries or fictional literature which seem to unravel the deepest mysteries of Christianity are quickly popularized and acclaimed… the New Revelation still lies, after almost 150 years, totally unrecognized by all earthly institution and authorities as something worthy to be studied and understood. The reason for this is, probably, the defensive reaction of men representing present religious institutions, whose representative role is denied by these writings numerous affirmations that God’s needs no intermediary between Him and any human being and that only a heart full of love for God and neighbor can be a right temple for Him. Just reading the New Revelation, one can directly and clearly understand the human nature, its liberty, the influence of sin on it, and so, can obtain not only a true perspective of the historical development of mankind’s evolution, but also a correct representation of the things that God expect us to do for ourselves and, most of all, for our brothers in need.
We are living in a time when, for very great reasons, signs of the Lord’s presence appear everywhere, but we can also notice the immense number of false prophets and scholars, many of them inside Christianity, who menace to give a dangerous turn to Christian faith. Doomsday preachers or dogmatic evangelist with fearful representations about hell, can inspire many bad feelings and attitudes, that could easily replace or block the genuine trust and love for God and people. One false idea in a bucket of truths can easily alter them all. The fruits of the false prophets’ activity are indeed visible in our world: we see people pushed to fight with the weapons of politics and war to establish the so-called “order of God”, we see people preoccupied by their own salvation, neglecting or even damning suffering souls, accepting to easily a supposed eternal sentence of hell for millions, accepting the destruction of our planet because of the promise of their escape at the return of the Lord. We see people in the so-called Christian part of the world, whose religious concepts turned their hearts into stones, worshiping incessantly in conventions, traditions, rituals, deformed images of God and His order and, behind them, secretly, their own fatally inflated ego’s. Few people, based on the valuable Bible teachings, reach for some of the most essential truths of God's order and really fight for their spreading. But, as I see things, their backup of theological and scientific knowledge, still needs God's true teaching.
According to the New Revelation, the valuable Bible is still sealed with 7 seals, but, by contrast, these direct teachings are given for anybody who wants to have an undeniable, comprehensive and large knowledge about God, creation and man. They also confirm validated historical facts, documented Near Death Experiences, testimonies of great mystics as saint Birgitta, Emmanuel Swedenborg or Saddhu Sundar Singh, etc.
The seeker of truth should try reading The Great Gospel of John through Jakob Lorber or The secrets of life and “The Lord’s Sermons” through Gottfried Mayerhofer or some synthesis as “Fundamental Principles of Life” by Walter Lutz and "The Prophet Jakob Lorber predicts coming catastrophes and the true Christianity by Kurt Eggelstein.

It seems to me that now is the time to learn about God’s love from anybody able to feel it and recognize it… be it a child, a businessman, an actor, a man of any faith, race or social status… there are and always were everywhere people who live and teach others, through their living example, God’s love. But still, there is more in the New Revelation that all good people inspired by God were ever able to do, say or write... because this is the direct Word of God for the humanity, in which is gathered all the knowledge man needs to achieve the dignity for which he was created and the supremo of all, His own earthly life example. In this most generous gift of divine wisdom, any human being will find the fundamental spiritual truths that can indeed nourish and develop the true love for God and neighbor, and through this, the spiritual rebirth and the eternal perfect life as real children of our Creator.