duminică, 24 februarie 2013

The original sin of self-love

 (The Lord:) [4] “By the enemy who keeps sowing the weeds among the pure wheat is, therefore, meant the old self-love, and in its wake, well-known to you, the weeds, and in a broader sense the sum total of all matter, falsehood, Satan, devil.
[4] But My word is the noble grain of wheat, and your free will is the field in which I, as the sower, am sowing the purest grain of My eternal order.
[6] Do not submit to self-love, but fight it with the sharp sword of true, unselfish love for Me and for your fellowman, and you will keep the field free of all weeds and will once enter into My kingdom as a precious fruit yourselves.
[10] And now I shall for a short time open your eyes, so that you can see for yourselves all I have just explained to you.” (GGJ IV, chp. 108)

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