joi, 28 februarie 2013
Believing in the Lord God has nothing to do with the fear of death
...and everything to do with the love of His love. I have taken a
glimpse to His wisdom and seen examples of His power. These are the
ones who shake and overwhelm the fragile human heart. But I have also
picked some holy drops of His love, beyond His greatest gift, sign and
These drops are more precious to me than my life in eternity, for I would gladly give not only this short life, but also an eternal one for just a moment in which I would be one with such one drop and thus, one with Him.
There is a presentiment of the following incredible happiness, that cannot be express in the poor human way of language. Not even the greatest form of art wouldn't help. Only the tears, the sweet river of tears can give a small sign of it.
Oh, yes, Mr. Dawkins and others like him should better discover this before claiming that fear of death turns people into believers. Love of the holy love takes all in the true believer's heart. Consequently, fear of death is out of it and stays out for ever.
May our dear Lord and Father use us to bring His light to all the good and lonely hearts of the people who haven't yet recognized Him!
These drops are more precious to me than my life in eternity, for I would gladly give not only this short life, but also an eternal one for just a moment in which I would be one with such one drop and thus, one with Him.
There is a presentiment of the following incredible happiness, that cannot be express in the poor human way of language. Not even the greatest form of art wouldn't help. Only the tears, the sweet river of tears can give a small sign of it.
Oh, yes, Mr. Dawkins and others like him should better discover this before claiming that fear of death turns people into believers. Love of the holy love takes all in the true believer's heart. Consequently, fear of death is out of it and stays out for ever.
May our dear Lord and Father use us to bring His light to all the good and lonely hearts of the people who haven't yet recognized Him!

Isaiah chapter 3 explained - End Times Revelation: Isn't it obvious?
Explanation of the third chapter of Isaiah. The situation of an organized community.
“ALSO in this following chapter the prophecy is for now and for the coming times of which I have spoken.
[2] The first verse of the prophet has a deep meaning and goes like this: ‘Look, the Lord, Lord Zebaoth will take away out of Jerusalem all kinds of provisions, and also out of the whole of Judah the total provision of bread and the whole provision of water’. (Isaiah 3:1).
[3] Here, by Jerusalem must be understood the present-day Jewry, just as it is now and already has been for a long time. By Judah must be understood the future generations that then, by accepting My teaching, will be counted to the tribe of Judah. Because of their laziness they will undergo the same fate in a much greater measure as now the Jews in a smaller measure.
[4] By the taking away of the provision of bread you must understand the taking away of love and mercy, and by the taking away of the provision of water, the taking away of the true wisdom out of God. And the result thereof will be that all of them will come on a wrong track, and their soul will be in darkness, and nobody will be able to give counsel to another. And even if somebody would give counsel to another, then the one who needed counsel and light will still not trust him and say: ‘What are you talking to me about the light while you yourself are in the same darkness as I am.’ The fact that the people will then by their own fault – because of their laziness – become totally without help, is accurately described by the prophet with the following words:
[5] ‘Thus will be taken away the strong ones and warriors, judges, prophets, fortunetellers and elders (Isaiah 3:2), counselors and wise workers, and eloquent orators, and headmen over 50, and also honest people (3:3).’
[6] I am mentioning here on purpose the headmen and the honest people as last instead of in the beginning of the third verse, and I have My reason for this. Listen now to the explanation.
[7] Who are the strong ones and the warriors? These are such people like once David was, full of faith and trust in Me, and the warriors are those people who consent to be totally inspired by faith and trust in the One, to always conquer all the enemies of what is good and true from God – even if they are so many.
[8] When there will be a complete lack of living water out of the Heavens, and all flesh, together with its soul, are in the thickest of darkness, who will then deal with the people as a true and righteous judge? Who will have the gift of prophecy? And even if someone still possesses it for himself, who will then, without inner understanding believe that it is true? Who will be able to prophesy for the blind and deaf? And who will be chosen by dark mankind as a true elder because of his outstanding wisdom in order to make him their shepherd? Now, understand this well.
[9] The one from whom – spiritually speaking – has been taken away bread and water, has lost by that everything, because the one who has been punished and chastised by God with spiritual blindness, has been punished and chastised the most severely. Because by that he has lost everything, and he is completely in despair and helpless. This is then also the ultimate means by which the laziness of the people that took a too great dominion, and all their vices can be fought against in the best way.
[10] The fact that the people will be in the greatest misery by the taking away of the spiritual bread and water, and by that, the things that still will be taken away from them, the prophet explains further in the third verse, where he explicitly says: ‘By that, the people will have to miss the counselors’ or those who give counsel, ‘and wise workers’ in all branches of human necessities, thus also intelligent speakers, who otherwise would have accomplished a lot of good with their wisdom.
[11] However, the worst of all that, is the taking away of the, say, 50 headmen which is taking place at the same time. Who are the 50 and what has the figure 50 to do with it? This we will perceive right away.
[12] If we imagine a big and completely organized community of people, then since ancient times it has – if it wants to be well taken care of in everything – in total 50 main regions where it has to provide in their necessities of life. Whatever is above that, stands already for pride, and everything that is less stands for weakness, need and poverty. However, in order to provide efficiently and to take care of each separate branch of these life necessities there must also be a clever captain as foreman and leader in charge, who from A to Z must be well acquainted with everything that is necessary in the whole system. If such a one is not present and someone incompetent stands in his place, then the whole branch of life necessities will soon carry bad or even no more fruits at all for the community.
[13] How then will a big community be able to stand if by its laziness and negligence finally has lost all of the 50 headmen? I tell you: in the same manner as the community of Jews nowadays, where only certain thieves and robbers are still possessing something and who fatten and enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, but where thousands are helplessly pining away in the deepest of poverty. Because where is the wise captain who would take care of them and who would give them in one way or another a certain job and bread? Look, in a lot of areas a head is missing, and so also all the other things are not present. There are still certain headmen to direct different areas, but this they are not doing for the people but for oneself, and therefore they are only thieves and robbers and no real headmen like at the time of My judges.
[14] Now you have seen how the outer and inner well being of the people of a big community depends on the head leaders in the different areas of life necessities. But on who then depends in the first place the right organization of the named head leaders in a big community of people, in a country that is governed by a prince or king? Look, it only depends on a wise king.
[15] But then, what does our prophet say? What will the Lord do further on with the lazy, god-forsaken communities?
[16] Listen, his words are as follows: ‘I, says the Lord, will give them young men to be their princes, and silly men will rule over them. (Isaiah 3:4). And among the people one will suck out the other. Everyone, even his neighbor, and the young one will exalt himself above the elder and a worthless, dishonest man above an honest one.’ (Isaiah 3:5).
[17] The words of the prophet are here of itself so clear and plain that they do not need another explanation. I can only show you the great and clear visible very bad results, although these also can easily be discovered by itself. Once all life-conditions will come into the greatest disorder by such confusion, and when, because of the need, all the people of the community will become very discontented, then also will arise one merciless rebellion after another. The people will awaken and stand up, and are chasing away the princes and selfish headmen, or even strangle them. And this is what is meant when one says: ‘One nation wars against another’.
[18] Thanks to his lazy nature, man permits any pressure as long as he, in his blindness, can still fill his stomach, no matter with what kind of meager food, but once also this is ceasing and he is facing only starvation, then he wakes up and turns into a starved enraged hyena. And it must come to that point, so that mankind will wake up.” (GGJ Book 17, chap. 94)
“BUT then everything is destroyed and thrown down. Whosoever can be falsely accused that he also – by his own merciless selfishness – has contributed to the general misfortune of the nations, will unfortunately fall victim to the revenge of the common people. But then what? Then the people have no leader at all, not a good one nor a bad one. They are in total anarchy, where ultimately everybody can do what he wants. However, another one, who is stronger, can also punish him at his heart’s desire.
[2] Then the wise men come together and say: ‘This cannot be, it cannot continue like that. We, who are wiser and mightier men will work together and bring the people to vote for a wise chief. And it will be an exalted house that will accommodate two brothers with much recognition and experience.’ What will happen next? The prophet will tell us precisely. And what does the prophet say?
[3] Listen. He says: ‘Then one brother will grab the other out of his brothers’ house and will say: ‘You have clothes (knowledge and experience), be you our ruler and help us during this downfall.’ (Isaiah 3:6). But then he will say and swear: ‘Listen, I am no doctor, and there is no bread (the goodness of faith) or clothing (true faith) in my house. Therefore, do not make me a ruler of the people.’ (Verse 7). Because Jerusalem is ripe and falls down, and Judah (the later time) is also fallen. Because their language and their deeds are against the Lord, because they oppose the eyes of His majesty (the light of His wisdom). (Verse 8). That is visible and known to everybody. Their nature is not hidden because they are boasting about their sin, just like in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they are brutal and they do not even hide. Woe unto their souls! Because with that, they have thrown themselves completely into their ruin.’ (Verse 9).
[4] But the chosen Prince – who could also possibly be I Myself – says further: ‘Go and preach first to the righteous, so that they may become good, then they will eat the fruit of their works. (Verse 10). However, woe unto the lazy and ungodly, because they are wicked at all times, and unto them will be rewarded according to their works and as they have deserved it! (Verse 11). Listen, for this reason, children are the princes of My people, and even women are ruling over them. My people, your (wrong) comforters are misleading you (think about Rome) and are destroying the way that you have to go. (Verse 12).
[5] But the Lord stands there to pronounce justice and has now come up to judge the people. (Verse 13). And the Lord comes to administer justice with the elders of His people (the Scriptures) and with His princes (those who, in the last time, have been awakened for life). For you (Pharisees and Romans) have destroyed the vineyard, and what has been robbed from the poor is in your house. (Verse 14).
[6] Why do you trample down My people, and why do you mistreat all those who are miserable? Thus speaks the Lord now with great seriousness. (Verse 15).
[7] And the Lord continues to speak: Because the daughters of Zion are proud (the false teaching of the whore of Babel) and walk with a stretched-out neck and a face with make-up, walking proudly (haughty), wag the tail (like a hungry dog), wearing at their feet expensive shoes (verse 16), the Lord will shave the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion to baldness (take away the reasoning), and with that, He will take away their only and best jewel. (Verse 17).
[8] In that time the Lord will take away the jewelry of their expensive shoes (those who believe blindly), and the ribbons (faithful followers), and the buckles (the different assemblies) (verse 18), the chains, the bracelets and the caps (the superstitious craft-guilds) (verse 19), the tinsels, the ornamental borders, all golden strings, musk, earrings (verse 20), rings and hair ribbons (verse 21), feast clothes, coats, veils and the (big) purses (verse 22), mirrors, capes, laces and the blouses (all of the glittering ceremony of the whore of Babel). (Verse 23). Then the sweet smell will become a stench, the good girdle a loose string, curled hair (serpent-like cunning of the whore of Babel) a baldhead, and her wide coat will become a narrow sack. And all this will come instead of the presumed beauty.
[9] Your mob will fall by the sword, and your warriors will fall in battle. (Verse 25). And her gates will weep and lament (because nobody wants to go inside anymore), and she will sit pitifully upon the ground. (Verse 26). Then, in that time, men will be so few that 7 women will take hold of 1 man (or out of the 7 sacraments there will be only 1) and they will say: We will feed and clothe ourselves, but let us carry your name, so that our dishonor will be taken away from us.’ (Verse 27).
[10] And look, My friends. What the prophet has said, will certainly be fulfilled, as sure and true as I have told you now Myself. Because the people cannot bear the truth for a longer time, become tired and always sink back again into their old judgment and death-bringing laziness. And then there is truly nothing else that can be done but, through the most extreme ways, awaken the people again and of old, bring them once more upon the ways and mountain paths of light and life.
[11] Therefore, I am saying to you once more: above all, warn the people against spiritual laziness, for with this will start all evil things of which the prophet has spoken, and I must unfortunately permit them. Think about it, then we will talk about it again in the inn. And now we soon will also go to that place, because we still will have a lot of things to do this night.” (GGJ Book 17, chap. 95)
“ALSO in this following chapter the prophecy is for now and for the coming times of which I have spoken.
[2] The first verse of the prophet has a deep meaning and goes like this: ‘Look, the Lord, Lord Zebaoth will take away out of Jerusalem all kinds of provisions, and also out of the whole of Judah the total provision of bread and the whole provision of water’. (Isaiah 3:1).
[3] Here, by Jerusalem must be understood the present-day Jewry, just as it is now and already has been for a long time. By Judah must be understood the future generations that then, by accepting My teaching, will be counted to the tribe of Judah. Because of their laziness they will undergo the same fate in a much greater measure as now the Jews in a smaller measure.
[4] By the taking away of the provision of bread you must understand the taking away of love and mercy, and by the taking away of the provision of water, the taking away of the true wisdom out of God. And the result thereof will be that all of them will come on a wrong track, and their soul will be in darkness, and nobody will be able to give counsel to another. And even if somebody would give counsel to another, then the one who needed counsel and light will still not trust him and say: ‘What are you talking to me about the light while you yourself are in the same darkness as I am.’ The fact that the people will then by their own fault – because of their laziness – become totally without help, is accurately described by the prophet with the following words:
[5] ‘Thus will be taken away the strong ones and warriors, judges, prophets, fortunetellers and elders (Isaiah 3:2), counselors and wise workers, and eloquent orators, and headmen over 50, and also honest people (3:3).’
[6] I am mentioning here on purpose the headmen and the honest people as last instead of in the beginning of the third verse, and I have My reason for this. Listen now to the explanation.
[7] Who are the strong ones and the warriors? These are such people like once David was, full of faith and trust in Me, and the warriors are those people who consent to be totally inspired by faith and trust in the One, to always conquer all the enemies of what is good and true from God – even if they are so many.
[8] When there will be a complete lack of living water out of the Heavens, and all flesh, together with its soul, are in the thickest of darkness, who will then deal with the people as a true and righteous judge? Who will have the gift of prophecy? And even if someone still possesses it for himself, who will then, without inner understanding believe that it is true? Who will be able to prophesy for the blind and deaf? And who will be chosen by dark mankind as a true elder because of his outstanding wisdom in order to make him their shepherd? Now, understand this well.
[9] The one from whom – spiritually speaking – has been taken away bread and water, has lost by that everything, because the one who has been punished and chastised by God with spiritual blindness, has been punished and chastised the most severely. Because by that he has lost everything, and he is completely in despair and helpless. This is then also the ultimate means by which the laziness of the people that took a too great dominion, and all their vices can be fought against in the best way.
[10] The fact that the people will be in the greatest misery by the taking away of the spiritual bread and water, and by that, the things that still will be taken away from them, the prophet explains further in the third verse, where he explicitly says: ‘By that, the people will have to miss the counselors’ or those who give counsel, ‘and wise workers’ in all branches of human necessities, thus also intelligent speakers, who otherwise would have accomplished a lot of good with their wisdom.
[11] However, the worst of all that, is the taking away of the, say, 50 headmen which is taking place at the same time. Who are the 50 and what has the figure 50 to do with it? This we will perceive right away.
[12] If we imagine a big and completely organized community of people, then since ancient times it has – if it wants to be well taken care of in everything – in total 50 main regions where it has to provide in their necessities of life. Whatever is above that, stands already for pride, and everything that is less stands for weakness, need and poverty. However, in order to provide efficiently and to take care of each separate branch of these life necessities there must also be a clever captain as foreman and leader in charge, who from A to Z must be well acquainted with everything that is necessary in the whole system. If such a one is not present and someone incompetent stands in his place, then the whole branch of life necessities will soon carry bad or even no more fruits at all for the community.
[13] How then will a big community be able to stand if by its laziness and negligence finally has lost all of the 50 headmen? I tell you: in the same manner as the community of Jews nowadays, where only certain thieves and robbers are still possessing something and who fatten and enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, but where thousands are helplessly pining away in the deepest of poverty. Because where is the wise captain who would take care of them and who would give them in one way or another a certain job and bread? Look, in a lot of areas a head is missing, and so also all the other things are not present. There are still certain headmen to direct different areas, but this they are not doing for the people but for oneself, and therefore they are only thieves and robbers and no real headmen like at the time of My judges.
[14] Now you have seen how the outer and inner well being of the people of a big community depends on the head leaders in the different areas of life necessities. But on who then depends in the first place the right organization of the named head leaders in a big community of people, in a country that is governed by a prince or king? Look, it only depends on a wise king.
[15] But then, what does our prophet say? What will the Lord do further on with the lazy, god-forsaken communities?
[16] Listen, his words are as follows: ‘I, says the Lord, will give them young men to be their princes, and silly men will rule over them. (Isaiah 3:4). And among the people one will suck out the other. Everyone, even his neighbor, and the young one will exalt himself above the elder and a worthless, dishonest man above an honest one.’ (Isaiah 3:5).
[17] The words of the prophet are here of itself so clear and plain that they do not need another explanation. I can only show you the great and clear visible very bad results, although these also can easily be discovered by itself. Once all life-conditions will come into the greatest disorder by such confusion, and when, because of the need, all the people of the community will become very discontented, then also will arise one merciless rebellion after another. The people will awaken and stand up, and are chasing away the princes and selfish headmen, or even strangle them. And this is what is meant when one says: ‘One nation wars against another’.
[18] Thanks to his lazy nature, man permits any pressure as long as he, in his blindness, can still fill his stomach, no matter with what kind of meager food, but once also this is ceasing and he is facing only starvation, then he wakes up and turns into a starved enraged hyena. And it must come to that point, so that mankind will wake up.” (GGJ Book 17, chap. 94)
“BUT then everything is destroyed and thrown down. Whosoever can be falsely accused that he also – by his own merciless selfishness – has contributed to the general misfortune of the nations, will unfortunately fall victim to the revenge of the common people. But then what? Then the people have no leader at all, not a good one nor a bad one. They are in total anarchy, where ultimately everybody can do what he wants. However, another one, who is stronger, can also punish him at his heart’s desire.
[2] Then the wise men come together and say: ‘This cannot be, it cannot continue like that. We, who are wiser and mightier men will work together and bring the people to vote for a wise chief. And it will be an exalted house that will accommodate two brothers with much recognition and experience.’ What will happen next? The prophet will tell us precisely. And what does the prophet say?
[3] Listen. He says: ‘Then one brother will grab the other out of his brothers’ house and will say: ‘You have clothes (knowledge and experience), be you our ruler and help us during this downfall.’ (Isaiah 3:6). But then he will say and swear: ‘Listen, I am no doctor, and there is no bread (the goodness of faith) or clothing (true faith) in my house. Therefore, do not make me a ruler of the people.’ (Verse 7). Because Jerusalem is ripe and falls down, and Judah (the later time) is also fallen. Because their language and their deeds are against the Lord, because they oppose the eyes of His majesty (the light of His wisdom). (Verse 8). That is visible and known to everybody. Their nature is not hidden because they are boasting about their sin, just like in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they are brutal and they do not even hide. Woe unto their souls! Because with that, they have thrown themselves completely into their ruin.’ (Verse 9).
[4] But the chosen Prince – who could also possibly be I Myself – says further: ‘Go and preach first to the righteous, so that they may become good, then they will eat the fruit of their works. (Verse 10). However, woe unto the lazy and ungodly, because they are wicked at all times, and unto them will be rewarded according to their works and as they have deserved it! (Verse 11). Listen, for this reason, children are the princes of My people, and even women are ruling over them. My people, your (wrong) comforters are misleading you (think about Rome) and are destroying the way that you have to go. (Verse 12).
[5] But the Lord stands there to pronounce justice and has now come up to judge the people. (Verse 13). And the Lord comes to administer justice with the elders of His people (the Scriptures) and with His princes (those who, in the last time, have been awakened for life). For you (Pharisees and Romans) have destroyed the vineyard, and what has been robbed from the poor is in your house. (Verse 14).
[6] Why do you trample down My people, and why do you mistreat all those who are miserable? Thus speaks the Lord now with great seriousness. (Verse 15).
[7] And the Lord continues to speak: Because the daughters of Zion are proud (the false teaching of the whore of Babel) and walk with a stretched-out neck and a face with make-up, walking proudly (haughty), wag the tail (like a hungry dog), wearing at their feet expensive shoes (verse 16), the Lord will shave the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion to baldness (take away the reasoning), and with that, He will take away their only and best jewel. (Verse 17).
[8] In that time the Lord will take away the jewelry of their expensive shoes (those who believe blindly), and the ribbons (faithful followers), and the buckles (the different assemblies) (verse 18), the chains, the bracelets and the caps (the superstitious craft-guilds) (verse 19), the tinsels, the ornamental borders, all golden strings, musk, earrings (verse 20), rings and hair ribbons (verse 21), feast clothes, coats, veils and the (big) purses (verse 22), mirrors, capes, laces and the blouses (all of the glittering ceremony of the whore of Babel). (Verse 23). Then the sweet smell will become a stench, the good girdle a loose string, curled hair (serpent-like cunning of the whore of Babel) a baldhead, and her wide coat will become a narrow sack. And all this will come instead of the presumed beauty.
[9] Your mob will fall by the sword, and your warriors will fall in battle. (Verse 25). And her gates will weep and lament (because nobody wants to go inside anymore), and she will sit pitifully upon the ground. (Verse 26). Then, in that time, men will be so few that 7 women will take hold of 1 man (or out of the 7 sacraments there will be only 1) and they will say: We will feed and clothe ourselves, but let us carry your name, so that our dishonor will be taken away from us.’ (Verse 27).
[10] And look, My friends. What the prophet has said, will certainly be fulfilled, as sure and true as I have told you now Myself. Because the people cannot bear the truth for a longer time, become tired and always sink back again into their old judgment and death-bringing laziness. And then there is truly nothing else that can be done but, through the most extreme ways, awaken the people again and of old, bring them once more upon the ways and mountain paths of light and life.
[11] Therefore, I am saying to you once more: above all, warn the people against spiritual laziness, for with this will start all evil things of which the prophet has spoken, and I must unfortunately permit them. Think about it, then we will talk about it again in the inn. And now we soon will also go to that place, because we still will have a lot of things to do this night.” (GGJ Book 17, chap. 95)

Why the New Revelation is given to us?
"None of you have as yet understood why I uncover and
explain to you all the depths of My creation, all the innermost aspects
of My divine self. Behold, My dear ones, the reason for all this is, to
instill into you the very thing lacking in all of you, meaning, the
trust in Me. For when together with Me you traverse the immeasurable
spaces of My infinity, when I open up to you My spiritual heavens,
giving you an inkling of what is there being kept and prepared for you;
when I reveal to you My own self, which is nothing but love and in
return wants only love; when I prove to you down to the smallest atoms
that I, the Creator and Father, sustain everything with the same love, I
only want to prove to you that a Being possessed of this might and
strength, as which I am showing Myself to you, should surely be worthy
of trust and that, compared to My omniscience and omnipotence, all your
activity and behavior must be considered as below the level of Zero.
Ponder these few words; they are very important, like everything flowing from My mouth. Enter deeply into the meaning of that which all of you were given, and you will not only find consolation and peace but, and this is the main thing, you will more and more realize your own standpoint and then, consolidating what is unstable, be able to draw closer to Me.
Not a word I send you through My servant was, and still is, without its own purpose. Also these three words I was just now bringing before the eyes of My scribe because right now it is beginning to be somewhat unstable in your company. There is no true spiritual life present. Many of you are again living only for their businesses and pet interest, almost wholly forgetting Me and My teaching and only remembering it when by chance one or the other has made a speech to that effect.
Be watchful and pray, lest you fall into temptation. Do not make fun of My grace! I do not, as some believe, bestow it on those who only concern themselves with Me and My teaching when they have nothing else to do. They should take care, for they may be struck by lightning out of a blue sky and be forced to realize that they had considered as a matter of secondary importance that which really should be their main concern.
Whosoever knows nothing of My teaching and sins against it, is not so culpable. However, if someone has read My teaching and, half believing, shows no true trust in its activation and no confidence in the attainment of the actual purpose, I shall be forced to wake him up through a direct jolt lest he drop off to the sleep of worldly things, thereby forgetting My spiritual school. Today I still admonish; who, apart from Me, knows what I shall do tomorrow? The piece of ground on which you live and peacefully walk about enjoying your life, is hollow under your feet. This thin shell covers terrible chasms and you with firm faith and trust look up to Me with great confidence and hope that I shall not let this thin shell give way, thereby letting all of you taste death unawares. Calmly you lie down above these chasms with the firm trust and confidence of again rising the next day hale and strengthened while perhaps under your feet to you incomprehensible baffles of the elements are taking place. Why do you have such trust in this case and not in spiritual matters? You see, because you believe I shall not do it! And why shall I not do it? Because you put your trust in a loving Father, who will not without reason punish His children with destruction. What, then, is your confidence? It is that, what you hope for, namely, the constant granting of My grace to you, may not waver.
Now, since in this respect you put such firm faith, trust and confidence in Me, do allow also Me to demand of you, if not at this rate of divine forbearance, then with human indulgence, to have also in spiritual matters a firmer faith, greater trust and greater confidence; and to understand that all I have already bestowed on you happened only for your benefit and by no means for My entertainment, but only in order to confer on you the honor of being able to become My children.
You demand of Me unlimited grace, and I demand of you unlimited love. With the exchange of these two conditions it is only you who gain, since I want to accord you a might that shall make you lords of all that was created!
Since I promise you such great graces, I am also allowed to wake up those on the road to Me, should they fall asleep while walking, through gentle nudges as I am now doing to you. Then you will realize that one must not walk My paths with one’s eyes closed, but with open eyes and ears so as not to miss the right way and go astray.
So again, let all of you consider what I am giving you here. Be watchful and pray, lest you fall into temptation! Let this be your device towards a steady growth in firm faith, trust and confidence! Amen." (Secrets of life, chap. 12)
Ponder these few words; they are very important, like everything flowing from My mouth. Enter deeply into the meaning of that which all of you were given, and you will not only find consolation and peace but, and this is the main thing, you will more and more realize your own standpoint and then, consolidating what is unstable, be able to draw closer to Me.
Not a word I send you through My servant was, and still is, without its own purpose. Also these three words I was just now bringing before the eyes of My scribe because right now it is beginning to be somewhat unstable in your company. There is no true spiritual life present. Many of you are again living only for their businesses and pet interest, almost wholly forgetting Me and My teaching and only remembering it when by chance one or the other has made a speech to that effect.
Be watchful and pray, lest you fall into temptation. Do not make fun of My grace! I do not, as some believe, bestow it on those who only concern themselves with Me and My teaching when they have nothing else to do. They should take care, for they may be struck by lightning out of a blue sky and be forced to realize that they had considered as a matter of secondary importance that which really should be their main concern.
Whosoever knows nothing of My teaching and sins against it, is not so culpable. However, if someone has read My teaching and, half believing, shows no true trust in its activation and no confidence in the attainment of the actual purpose, I shall be forced to wake him up through a direct jolt lest he drop off to the sleep of worldly things, thereby forgetting My spiritual school. Today I still admonish; who, apart from Me, knows what I shall do tomorrow? The piece of ground on which you live and peacefully walk about enjoying your life, is hollow under your feet. This thin shell covers terrible chasms and you with firm faith and trust look up to Me with great confidence and hope that I shall not let this thin shell give way, thereby letting all of you taste death unawares. Calmly you lie down above these chasms with the firm trust and confidence of again rising the next day hale and strengthened while perhaps under your feet to you incomprehensible baffles of the elements are taking place. Why do you have such trust in this case and not in spiritual matters? You see, because you believe I shall not do it! And why shall I not do it? Because you put your trust in a loving Father, who will not without reason punish His children with destruction. What, then, is your confidence? It is that, what you hope for, namely, the constant granting of My grace to you, may not waver.
Now, since in this respect you put such firm faith, trust and confidence in Me, do allow also Me to demand of you, if not at this rate of divine forbearance, then with human indulgence, to have also in spiritual matters a firmer faith, greater trust and greater confidence; and to understand that all I have already bestowed on you happened only for your benefit and by no means for My entertainment, but only in order to confer on you the honor of being able to become My children.
You demand of Me unlimited grace, and I demand of you unlimited love. With the exchange of these two conditions it is only you who gain, since I want to accord you a might that shall make you lords of all that was created!
Since I promise you such great graces, I am also allowed to wake up those on the road to Me, should they fall asleep while walking, through gentle nudges as I am now doing to you. Then you will realize that one must not walk My paths with one’s eyes closed, but with open eyes and ears so as not to miss the right way and go astray.
So again, let all of you consider what I am giving you here. Be watchful and pray, lest you fall into temptation! Let this be your device towards a steady growth in firm faith, trust and confidence! Amen." (Secrets of life, chap. 12)

Human Dignity (chap. 20 - Secrets of life - the Lord through G. Mayerhofer)
23 October 1872
‘Well, on this topic, or what “human dignity” really means, or should mean, there prevail as many viewpoints as there are cultured or educated human beings. For primitive peoples and coarse, depraved persons have certainly no idea what the term “human” is meant to convey, and how to make themselves worthy of it.
Only where man is ethically, morally brought up and educated, can one expect to find a notion about the true dignity of man, which, however, must again vary in keeping with his education, his station in life.
However, all these current and prevailing ideas about the concept of “human dignity” are not the reason why I want to explain this word and tell you what human dignity actually consists in. I only want to help you to link My very teaching with practical life, so that you may become worthy, as a being placed between two worlds, of corresponding in spirit as well as in soul to the great creational thoughts of your heavenly Father. For although you have received much from Me, you too do not have as yet the right idea of what “human dignity” actually means, since you see it only too well in others how they, while claiming this rifle for themselves, seek to twist and expound it in keeping with their desires and passions so as to be worthy human beings after their own desires, each one in his fashion!
In order to better understand human dignity and to better grasp the following, let us again begin with the concept of the word, tracing it back to the root of its origin, and then determine its actual concept and value, how it should be used by you and how I envisage it.
(Note by translator: In the following text we are dealing with a play upon words which is applicable only to the German language but makes little or no sense in English. Therefore, the terms under consideration are given in both English and German. In addition to the term “dignity”, “worth”, being of Germanic origin, is used, as it facilitates comprehension somewhat.)
Look, the word “Würde” (dignity, worth) is derived from “Werden” (becoming), and the word “Werden” is actually a word out of the creational thought which, as the basis of My Being, was given to the entire visible world. For without the “Werden” (becoming) there would be neither a sun nor a planet, neither a great material nor a great spirit-realm, since I animated the whole of infinity solely with the word: “Es werde!” (Let there be!) for the beatitude of the created beings, and for the beatitude of My own self, which is love personified. This expression “loves, however, should mean only doing and working everything for others, and finding one’s own bliss, one’s own happiness in the understanding and perfecting of others.
With the word “Es werde!” (Let there be!) were also given the law and the road for every spirit or soul product, or the degree of perfection for which it was destined, where of course the incarnated spirits imprisoned in the material world had to take a different road from that of the free spirit-hosts of My infinite spirit-world in their self-awareness.
Well, with the “werde” (let there be) there of course also arose the question as to whether the released spirits in particular, who were left to their own devices, had really become what they were meant to be, in other words, whether they knew what My goal with them was.
Through the word “wurde” (became) a state began which, if it corresponded to My intent, was equal to the title “würde” (dignity) or “würdig” (worthy), just as you in the world bestow on the one a “würde” (dignity, office, title) or call him “würdig” (worthy), who has deserved this office or the predicate “würdig” (worthy) owing to his attributes as a spiritual man (that means one who conforms to the idea of his office).
Hence, what you designate as “würde” (dignity, office, title) really expresses that this person, who holds an office or deserves to be called würdig” (worthy), possesses all those qualities which ennoble man as a spiritual being and which should mark him as something better than it was possible for his fellowman to attain.
This idea of dignity (würde), which you generally hold, I too have concerning the beings created by Me, only applied with a different yardstick.
When I created the first man on your earth, I installed him in the manner you invest a higher official with a title, by giving him the power to rule over much and to be superior to any other created being on earth. By virtue of his spiritual attributes as a descendant of Mine, I invested him with the full authority to become what I actually wanted to make him, namely, “lord of the earth”. In this way, he was to use his faculties for his own good and for the advantage of the whole world around him.
So that he might understand his own dignity in the sense I want the same understood, I set him free, let him use all the propensities laid into him, for either good or evil. I thereby wanted to make him realize that the dignity bestowed on him by Me consists solely in that he, as a free, independently acting being, not as a machine, knows how to regulate his character qualities, propensities and desires, and that he can only through the controlling of his passions attain spiritual dignity. All the means to attain it and become a worthy intermediate member between the bound and the totally free spirit-world were given him by Me.
I called to him the “werde” (become), and he became, what? You can see that now everywhere; alas, not that for which I have called him, for instead of a free lord he became a slave to his passions, thus contrary to his vocation disgracing and misusing himself and the nature surrounding him. Hence all the calamities which now spiritually and materially pursue man with evils and suffering of every kind. For, contrary to his high destiny, instead of making himself worthy of Me, he has left the right road, has become “unwürdig” (unworthy) to be called a “man”, into whom I once instilled My spiritual breath wanting to mark him a child of My great spirit-realm. This great spirit-realm he now can only reach on great detours, battling with all kinds of adversities and suffering.
Since mankind with their pretended science and scholarship have arrived at a point where they interpret this word “dignity of man” at their own convenience, after egotism, as the counter-pole of My love and of love generally, has become the main hobby of the presently living people, through this insane behavior the measure of errors on your part and likewise the measure of My patience are nearing their end. And so this word is again given you so as to save many a man from general decline, lest he completely lose his dignity, his sole share in the spiritual world.
It is true, this one, and all My words which so far I have given you through My scribes, are only accessible to few; but, patience! The calamities of human life will soon lead one or the other into your camp, so that finally he, having tried everything in vain, will call on you entreating you with the words:
“Friends and brothers! Have you no comfort, no refreshment for my sick soul? I feel it, I have lost the dignity of man, have trampled upon it and now that I demand comfort and peace in the face of all the bogeys that used to be praised to me as wisdom, as religious dogmas, they all prove to be faulty, not lasting. The whole dream of a rational, logical sham-knowledge evaporates like a nebulous form. Give me back the dignity of the spiritual man, so that I may feel like a true man, like the spiritual being who, once gone forth from the hand of a loving Creator, now wants to return to Him, having again become worthy of Him!”
Then, My children, it is the words which I am giving to you among the presently living, which bring refreshment and comfort to the thirsty one, forcing him to call out with his face turned heavenward: “What am I, o Lord, for You to remember me?”
It is this purpose, namely, to again show you clearly and brightly “the dignity of man”, so that the seeker, the sinner, the doubter, may realize how far he has distanced himself from it and where he has to look for the means by which to regain the lost Paradise.
Do understand this: When Adam had acted contrary to My command, he lost his Paradise, that means he lost the awareness of his spiritual dignity. This very loss plunged his descendants to this day into the chaos of erroneous ideas, notions, concepts about life and about the world, which are merely the eternal striving to regain a spiritual dignity which raises man far above all matter, all sensuality. It lets him look far beyond the ruins of devastation and disaster with hope to another world where all, these calamities, which after all concern only the physical welfare of man, completely disappear; where it is clearly and simply understood that they were only a means to an end, namely, to again elevate man, who was submerged in matter, to the spiritual cosmopolitan I had once created him to be, and what he must again become no matter how many capers he may cut. It is only a different time, but the final goal is the same. What has gone forth from Me must again return to Me, for it was Mine and must again become so.
Now that I have shown you with few words what “dignity” is, how it was given you by Me and how it was misused by you human beings, I must also prove and strictly and conclusively demonstrate to you what, according to My idea, human dignity really means, so that you too may get a clear concept of that which I gave you and which I can demand back from you so that you may conform to My wishes.
Now look, My children! Human dignity is really nothing else but “the constant acting, thinking and willing in accordance with My laws of love!”
I, love personified, have created you out of love, and so you, the created, must strive to emulate this Creator, who laid the spark of love into you as much as it is within your power.
This is the actual fundamental meaning of love, of the dignity of man, who, curbing his passions of anger, hatred or revenge, does, suffers and feels everything only out of love, only for others.
Thus the material, physical man with his human needs is hallowed, spiritualized through the sublime warmth of a divine love, more worthy of his actual descent and more capable of understanding his Creator and of drawing near Him.
Therefore, man’s dignity consists only in the subjugation of anything ignoble, be it in thoughts, word or deed! In this way alone man is superior to the animal, which certainly has many qualities in common with man, namely, by using these same qualities for more noble purposes, by sublimating also the coarsest sensual desire, giving it a more noble air, higher motives. This ennobles man and gives him back his innate dignity whereby he becomes a citizen of a spirit-realm which one day will be his permanent abode.
Man is not ennobled by the conventional adherence to social rules and state laws. Not at all! Man is ennobled by his own conscience, when he is aware of having done everything out of the most noble, most exalted motives, of having done everything out of love for his Creator and love for his fellow created beings.
Not the deed determines the worth, but the “Why”, why an action was performed! To be sure, man sees the action, but the motive is known only to two, to Me and the one acting, in which case I represent his approving or disapproving conscience.
What are “pangs of conscience” if not the uneasiness to have acted contrary to one’s spiritual dignity! Therefore, whenever you do something, whenever thoughts assail you, pay heed to them lest they debase you. For everyone carries within him his book of life, and at the end of his earthly career he will be shown in a picture the kind of physiognomy his spiritual man will assume on his demise. And so the reflection of the life as it was lived on earth will be the expression of the soul-garment, where the sum total of all the thoughts, wishes and inordinate desires will reveal the spiritual man to the other spirits, not according to his physical, but his spiritual form.
It goes without saying that this form of the most noble human image must have millions of gradations, even ending in caricature. Everyone stamps his own face according to the way he lived; the more in accordance with his dignity, the purer the outer soul-forms expressing the inner Spiritual! And it is true that to some people, though not to all, it is quite obvious what kind of a soul is hidden in one or the other body although so much deception is still possible in the human body. However, in the other world, this is no longer the case. This is why I am sending you these words and calling to you:
Do live worthy of yourselves! Make no pretences and show yourselves also to others as true human beings, like the first one I created; people who carry the spark of the immortal spirit within them and who, through all the earlier events, such as My incarnation, were destined and created for such great purposes!
Do not revile your dignity, be strict with your world of thought; it is the first seducer that easily leads you across the bridge of propriety, from the noble to the base.
Human dignity is your only sanctum; through it, you achieve everything, without it, you sink back to the world of animals, become, like animals, material beings who are not worthy of even a divine spark, and actually sink below the animal. For whenever the animal commits actions that to your eyes look cruel and cunning, it cannot judge them, they are part of its nature. But man sinks below the animal because he has the faculty of judging, considers his actions and thoughts carefully and is well aware of the fact that he ought to act otherwise, but still acts contrarily because it flatters his sensual, and not his divine, nature.
Man’s dignity is the shrine which should be kept hallowed, and in this purity there lie quietness and solace in adversity of any kind; for this sanctum leads to the trust in a guiding Father-hand which, though seemingly punishing, only seeks to reform out of love.
This human dignity turns people into angels, just as its loss transforms them into devils in human form.
If this so often misunderstood “dignity” were not the true fundamental pillar and principle behind all thoughts and actions, I would not have explained to you in detail that you should watch yourselves a little more strictly, thereby recognizing hourly and daily how often you sin against this very same dignity in thoughts, words and actions.
The impure thoughts go past the contemporaries unnoticed and unheard, however, they adhere to your psychic man. There others will one day read, full of horror, how many a dignitary of your world no longer possessed a spark of the human dignity I gave him, as My image, on his life’s journey.
Therefore, let these notables settle their matter individually; they too will be faced with situations, if not in this, then certainly in the other world, where with dread and horror beings will flee each other who were here attached to each other in friendship.
The disappointment will come, though late, still too soon for the unworthy. Therefore, keep your world of thought pure! There, let your human dignity shine as a pure flame of love, tolerance and reverence, and you will, though misunderstood by your fellowman, enjoy already here on earth the heaven which is here only transient, but which will there be permanently within and around you.
You see, My children, if I did not know what is still in store for you during your earthly journey, I would not enjoin this human dignity on you so much. But a good physician when observing symptoms of disease knows how to arrange prophylactic means so that, if a disease does occur, it can be prevented.
This applies also to Me. Soon, calamity upon calamity will occur. The process of fermentation and separation must move towards an end. The spiritual air of your earth globe, as so often the material atmosphere, is filled with sultry vapors. The discharge must follow, and this is why I advise you:
Flee to Me! Do not violate your human dignity. Only in this way can you brave all storms. For this spiritual dignity elevates you above ordinary life, lets you see all the misfortunes however great in a different light, and fills your heart with trust and confidence in your Father in heaven, who now, because the majority of mankind long ago has lost its dignity, must allow such means so as to achieve through misery and want what was unachievable through kindness.
The dignity of man, or the spiritual awareness: “I am not of this world, but of another, better and eternal world,” elevates man, though he has to suffer under the general adversities, far above this earthly world and he is like one standing on a high mountain, who looks with equanimity at the hustle and bustle beneath him in the enjoyment of a greater, wider and more beautiful view when often the thought may arise in him:
“Oh, why are these people so blind! Down there, in the mire of their lowest passions, they forget for the sake of the worldly things what is essential, what they should really be. Oh, if they had the courage, if they dared to come up here to me, how foolish they would find all that which now appears to them so important, so absolutely essential. How they would shudder at the thought that everything they believe to have attained they have bought with the loss of their only possession, the loss of their spiritual dignity as man!”
“This is how many a person will think who, having grappled with the mire and dirt of the basest passions, has regained his dignity. This is how you too shall think, whom I have been showering for a considerable time with words of grace and light so that you, conscious of your human dignity, may enjoy the exalted position in which I have placed you and, always remembering your own dignity, endeavor to become yourselves worthy of being that which I have so often called you, namely, My dear children!
This fatherly call is only for those who are able to retain their human dignity; for by retaining it, they also attain more and more the dignity to become My children, what I wanted the first man to become when he was created, but unfortunately he failed to become!
So be strict, “watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation”, as I once called to My disciples. At that time I knew why, and now I am telling you again: Watch and pray that you do not ever debase yourselves. And always remain faithful to that which by so many words from Me you could easily fathom, namely, that only through nobility of the soul can human dignity be attained, consolidated and retained. Without it, all reading and praying is of no benefit! The inner man must be in My likeness, then his outer image will one day correspond to his spiritual surroundings in the beyond. And so endeavor to enter the other world endowed with a spiritual-psychic countenance. It is better to prepare for this already here, instead of trying to attain it only there. Here, what is required is “the dignity of man”, there, “the dignity of spirit” is another level for which human dignity serves as basis and which is unattainable without it.
I prepare you to achieve within a short earthly life that which is there by far more difficult to attain. Therefore, heed My words, they come from your Father, who wants to make you worthy of Him. However, you cannot achieve this unless you have become worthy of yourselves.
This for you and all who come and are thirsty and hungry to act accordingly, who try to regain with you that which, consciously or unconsciously, they have often thoughtlessly lost, namely, their own dignity, as the sole anchor in life, in the midst of conflict and privation of every kind, as anchor of trust, hope and love! Amen.
‘Well, on this topic, or what “human dignity” really means, or should mean, there prevail as many viewpoints as there are cultured or educated human beings. For primitive peoples and coarse, depraved persons have certainly no idea what the term “human” is meant to convey, and how to make themselves worthy of it.
Only where man is ethically, morally brought up and educated, can one expect to find a notion about the true dignity of man, which, however, must again vary in keeping with his education, his station in life.
However, all these current and prevailing ideas about the concept of “human dignity” are not the reason why I want to explain this word and tell you what human dignity actually consists in. I only want to help you to link My very teaching with practical life, so that you may become worthy, as a being placed between two worlds, of corresponding in spirit as well as in soul to the great creational thoughts of your heavenly Father. For although you have received much from Me, you too do not have as yet the right idea of what “human dignity” actually means, since you see it only too well in others how they, while claiming this rifle for themselves, seek to twist and expound it in keeping with their desires and passions so as to be worthy human beings after their own desires, each one in his fashion!
In order to better understand human dignity and to better grasp the following, let us again begin with the concept of the word, tracing it back to the root of its origin, and then determine its actual concept and value, how it should be used by you and how I envisage it.
(Note by translator: In the following text we are dealing with a play upon words which is applicable only to the German language but makes little or no sense in English. Therefore, the terms under consideration are given in both English and German. In addition to the term “dignity”, “worth”, being of Germanic origin, is used, as it facilitates comprehension somewhat.)
Look, the word “Würde” (dignity, worth) is derived from “Werden” (becoming), and the word “Werden” is actually a word out of the creational thought which, as the basis of My Being, was given to the entire visible world. For without the “Werden” (becoming) there would be neither a sun nor a planet, neither a great material nor a great spirit-realm, since I animated the whole of infinity solely with the word: “Es werde!” (Let there be!) for the beatitude of the created beings, and for the beatitude of My own self, which is love personified. This expression “loves, however, should mean only doing and working everything for others, and finding one’s own bliss, one’s own happiness in the understanding and perfecting of others.
With the word “Es werde!” (Let there be!) were also given the law and the road for every spirit or soul product, or the degree of perfection for which it was destined, where of course the incarnated spirits imprisoned in the material world had to take a different road from that of the free spirit-hosts of My infinite spirit-world in their self-awareness.
Well, with the “werde” (let there be) there of course also arose the question as to whether the released spirits in particular, who were left to their own devices, had really become what they were meant to be, in other words, whether they knew what My goal with them was.
Through the word “wurde” (became) a state began which, if it corresponded to My intent, was equal to the title “würde” (dignity) or “würdig” (worthy), just as you in the world bestow on the one a “würde” (dignity, office, title) or call him “würdig” (worthy), who has deserved this office or the predicate “würdig” (worthy) owing to his attributes as a spiritual man (that means one who conforms to the idea of his office).
Hence, what you designate as “würde” (dignity, office, title) really expresses that this person, who holds an office or deserves to be called würdig” (worthy), possesses all those qualities which ennoble man as a spiritual being and which should mark him as something better than it was possible for his fellowman to attain.
This idea of dignity (würde), which you generally hold, I too have concerning the beings created by Me, only applied with a different yardstick.
When I created the first man on your earth, I installed him in the manner you invest a higher official with a title, by giving him the power to rule over much and to be superior to any other created being on earth. By virtue of his spiritual attributes as a descendant of Mine, I invested him with the full authority to become what I actually wanted to make him, namely, “lord of the earth”. In this way, he was to use his faculties for his own good and for the advantage of the whole world around him.
So that he might understand his own dignity in the sense I want the same understood, I set him free, let him use all the propensities laid into him, for either good or evil. I thereby wanted to make him realize that the dignity bestowed on him by Me consists solely in that he, as a free, independently acting being, not as a machine, knows how to regulate his character qualities, propensities and desires, and that he can only through the controlling of his passions attain spiritual dignity. All the means to attain it and become a worthy intermediate member between the bound and the totally free spirit-world were given him by Me.
I called to him the “werde” (become), and he became, what? You can see that now everywhere; alas, not that for which I have called him, for instead of a free lord he became a slave to his passions, thus contrary to his vocation disgracing and misusing himself and the nature surrounding him. Hence all the calamities which now spiritually and materially pursue man with evils and suffering of every kind. For, contrary to his high destiny, instead of making himself worthy of Me, he has left the right road, has become “unwürdig” (unworthy) to be called a “man”, into whom I once instilled My spiritual breath wanting to mark him a child of My great spirit-realm. This great spirit-realm he now can only reach on great detours, battling with all kinds of adversities and suffering.
Since mankind with their pretended science and scholarship have arrived at a point where they interpret this word “dignity of man” at their own convenience, after egotism, as the counter-pole of My love and of love generally, has become the main hobby of the presently living people, through this insane behavior the measure of errors on your part and likewise the measure of My patience are nearing their end. And so this word is again given you so as to save many a man from general decline, lest he completely lose his dignity, his sole share in the spiritual world.
It is true, this one, and all My words which so far I have given you through My scribes, are only accessible to few; but, patience! The calamities of human life will soon lead one or the other into your camp, so that finally he, having tried everything in vain, will call on you entreating you with the words:
“Friends and brothers! Have you no comfort, no refreshment for my sick soul? I feel it, I have lost the dignity of man, have trampled upon it and now that I demand comfort and peace in the face of all the bogeys that used to be praised to me as wisdom, as religious dogmas, they all prove to be faulty, not lasting. The whole dream of a rational, logical sham-knowledge evaporates like a nebulous form. Give me back the dignity of the spiritual man, so that I may feel like a true man, like the spiritual being who, once gone forth from the hand of a loving Creator, now wants to return to Him, having again become worthy of Him!”
Then, My children, it is the words which I am giving to you among the presently living, which bring refreshment and comfort to the thirsty one, forcing him to call out with his face turned heavenward: “What am I, o Lord, for You to remember me?”
It is this purpose, namely, to again show you clearly and brightly “the dignity of man”, so that the seeker, the sinner, the doubter, may realize how far he has distanced himself from it and where he has to look for the means by which to regain the lost Paradise.
Do understand this: When Adam had acted contrary to My command, he lost his Paradise, that means he lost the awareness of his spiritual dignity. This very loss plunged his descendants to this day into the chaos of erroneous ideas, notions, concepts about life and about the world, which are merely the eternal striving to regain a spiritual dignity which raises man far above all matter, all sensuality. It lets him look far beyond the ruins of devastation and disaster with hope to another world where all, these calamities, which after all concern only the physical welfare of man, completely disappear; where it is clearly and simply understood that they were only a means to an end, namely, to again elevate man, who was submerged in matter, to the spiritual cosmopolitan I had once created him to be, and what he must again become no matter how many capers he may cut. It is only a different time, but the final goal is the same. What has gone forth from Me must again return to Me, for it was Mine and must again become so.
Now that I have shown you with few words what “dignity” is, how it was given you by Me and how it was misused by you human beings, I must also prove and strictly and conclusively demonstrate to you what, according to My idea, human dignity really means, so that you too may get a clear concept of that which I gave you and which I can demand back from you so that you may conform to My wishes.
Now look, My children! Human dignity is really nothing else but “the constant acting, thinking and willing in accordance with My laws of love!”
I, love personified, have created you out of love, and so you, the created, must strive to emulate this Creator, who laid the spark of love into you as much as it is within your power.
This is the actual fundamental meaning of love, of the dignity of man, who, curbing his passions of anger, hatred or revenge, does, suffers and feels everything only out of love, only for others.
Thus the material, physical man with his human needs is hallowed, spiritualized through the sublime warmth of a divine love, more worthy of his actual descent and more capable of understanding his Creator and of drawing near Him.
Therefore, man’s dignity consists only in the subjugation of anything ignoble, be it in thoughts, word or deed! In this way alone man is superior to the animal, which certainly has many qualities in common with man, namely, by using these same qualities for more noble purposes, by sublimating also the coarsest sensual desire, giving it a more noble air, higher motives. This ennobles man and gives him back his innate dignity whereby he becomes a citizen of a spirit-realm which one day will be his permanent abode.
Man is not ennobled by the conventional adherence to social rules and state laws. Not at all! Man is ennobled by his own conscience, when he is aware of having done everything out of the most noble, most exalted motives, of having done everything out of love for his Creator and love for his fellow created beings.
Not the deed determines the worth, but the “Why”, why an action was performed! To be sure, man sees the action, but the motive is known only to two, to Me and the one acting, in which case I represent his approving or disapproving conscience.
What are “pangs of conscience” if not the uneasiness to have acted contrary to one’s spiritual dignity! Therefore, whenever you do something, whenever thoughts assail you, pay heed to them lest they debase you. For everyone carries within him his book of life, and at the end of his earthly career he will be shown in a picture the kind of physiognomy his spiritual man will assume on his demise. And so the reflection of the life as it was lived on earth will be the expression of the soul-garment, where the sum total of all the thoughts, wishes and inordinate desires will reveal the spiritual man to the other spirits, not according to his physical, but his spiritual form.
It goes without saying that this form of the most noble human image must have millions of gradations, even ending in caricature. Everyone stamps his own face according to the way he lived; the more in accordance with his dignity, the purer the outer soul-forms expressing the inner Spiritual! And it is true that to some people, though not to all, it is quite obvious what kind of a soul is hidden in one or the other body although so much deception is still possible in the human body. However, in the other world, this is no longer the case. This is why I am sending you these words and calling to you:
Do live worthy of yourselves! Make no pretences and show yourselves also to others as true human beings, like the first one I created; people who carry the spark of the immortal spirit within them and who, through all the earlier events, such as My incarnation, were destined and created for such great purposes!
Do not revile your dignity, be strict with your world of thought; it is the first seducer that easily leads you across the bridge of propriety, from the noble to the base.
Human dignity is your only sanctum; through it, you achieve everything, without it, you sink back to the world of animals, become, like animals, material beings who are not worthy of even a divine spark, and actually sink below the animal. For whenever the animal commits actions that to your eyes look cruel and cunning, it cannot judge them, they are part of its nature. But man sinks below the animal because he has the faculty of judging, considers his actions and thoughts carefully and is well aware of the fact that he ought to act otherwise, but still acts contrarily because it flatters his sensual, and not his divine, nature.
Man’s dignity is the shrine which should be kept hallowed, and in this purity there lie quietness and solace in adversity of any kind; for this sanctum leads to the trust in a guiding Father-hand which, though seemingly punishing, only seeks to reform out of love.
This human dignity turns people into angels, just as its loss transforms them into devils in human form.
If this so often misunderstood “dignity” were not the true fundamental pillar and principle behind all thoughts and actions, I would not have explained to you in detail that you should watch yourselves a little more strictly, thereby recognizing hourly and daily how often you sin against this very same dignity in thoughts, words and actions.
The impure thoughts go past the contemporaries unnoticed and unheard, however, they adhere to your psychic man. There others will one day read, full of horror, how many a dignitary of your world no longer possessed a spark of the human dignity I gave him, as My image, on his life’s journey.
Therefore, let these notables settle their matter individually; they too will be faced with situations, if not in this, then certainly in the other world, where with dread and horror beings will flee each other who were here attached to each other in friendship.
The disappointment will come, though late, still too soon for the unworthy. Therefore, keep your world of thought pure! There, let your human dignity shine as a pure flame of love, tolerance and reverence, and you will, though misunderstood by your fellowman, enjoy already here on earth the heaven which is here only transient, but which will there be permanently within and around you.
You see, My children, if I did not know what is still in store for you during your earthly journey, I would not enjoin this human dignity on you so much. But a good physician when observing symptoms of disease knows how to arrange prophylactic means so that, if a disease does occur, it can be prevented.
This applies also to Me. Soon, calamity upon calamity will occur. The process of fermentation and separation must move towards an end. The spiritual air of your earth globe, as so often the material atmosphere, is filled with sultry vapors. The discharge must follow, and this is why I advise you:
Flee to Me! Do not violate your human dignity. Only in this way can you brave all storms. For this spiritual dignity elevates you above ordinary life, lets you see all the misfortunes however great in a different light, and fills your heart with trust and confidence in your Father in heaven, who now, because the majority of mankind long ago has lost its dignity, must allow such means so as to achieve through misery and want what was unachievable through kindness.
The dignity of man, or the spiritual awareness: “I am not of this world, but of another, better and eternal world,” elevates man, though he has to suffer under the general adversities, far above this earthly world and he is like one standing on a high mountain, who looks with equanimity at the hustle and bustle beneath him in the enjoyment of a greater, wider and more beautiful view when often the thought may arise in him:
“Oh, why are these people so blind! Down there, in the mire of their lowest passions, they forget for the sake of the worldly things what is essential, what they should really be. Oh, if they had the courage, if they dared to come up here to me, how foolish they would find all that which now appears to them so important, so absolutely essential. How they would shudder at the thought that everything they believe to have attained they have bought with the loss of their only possession, the loss of their spiritual dignity as man!”
“This is how many a person will think who, having grappled with the mire and dirt of the basest passions, has regained his dignity. This is how you too shall think, whom I have been showering for a considerable time with words of grace and light so that you, conscious of your human dignity, may enjoy the exalted position in which I have placed you and, always remembering your own dignity, endeavor to become yourselves worthy of being that which I have so often called you, namely, My dear children!
This fatherly call is only for those who are able to retain their human dignity; for by retaining it, they also attain more and more the dignity to become My children, what I wanted the first man to become when he was created, but unfortunately he failed to become!
So be strict, “watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation”, as I once called to My disciples. At that time I knew why, and now I am telling you again: Watch and pray that you do not ever debase yourselves. And always remain faithful to that which by so many words from Me you could easily fathom, namely, that only through nobility of the soul can human dignity be attained, consolidated and retained. Without it, all reading and praying is of no benefit! The inner man must be in My likeness, then his outer image will one day correspond to his spiritual surroundings in the beyond. And so endeavor to enter the other world endowed with a spiritual-psychic countenance. It is better to prepare for this already here, instead of trying to attain it only there. Here, what is required is “the dignity of man”, there, “the dignity of spirit” is another level for which human dignity serves as basis and which is unattainable without it.
I prepare you to achieve within a short earthly life that which is there by far more difficult to attain. Therefore, heed My words, they come from your Father, who wants to make you worthy of Him. However, you cannot achieve this unless you have become worthy of yourselves.
This for you and all who come and are thirsty and hungry to act accordingly, who try to regain with you that which, consciously or unconsciously, they have often thoughtlessly lost, namely, their own dignity, as the sole anchor in life, in the midst of conflict and privation of every kind, as anchor of trust, hope and love! Amen.

"[4] It is easy to love good and honest people and to get on with
them; but to go to the sinners and bring them to the correct path; that
is a task which demands much self-denial.
[5] For if you walk in the street with a whore and an adulteress, people will point their fingers at you and do things to you which will not honor you before the world; but if you bring the whore and the adulteress back to the correct path, you will be given a great reward from God, and the smallest part of this is of more value than a whole world full of the most shining honor.
[6] Whoever brings a lost person back to Me will receive more reward than one who has guarded well a hundred lambs on a safe pasture. For it is a very easy task to keep an honest person honorable and virtuous; but to lift someone who is despised by everyone up to honor again and to make a virtuous hero out of an arch-sinner says significantly more! And only that is seen favorably to Me – but the former is only work of a lazy fellow!
[7] I am the all-highest, if you will accept that, and I seek and take only the despised and lost in the eyes of the world. For the healthy certainly do not need a doctor!
[8] If you accordingly want to completely be My true disciples and servants, you must also be what I am in all things.
[9] If you see a blind man strolling on the street and also see that the path he is treading is a highly dangerous one particularly for a blind person, will you not immediately take the blind walker by the arm and say to him: Listen, friend, the path that you are now walking is very dangerous; let me lead you so that you do not fall off a precipice! And if he then trusts your word, will you be ashamed to lead a blind man? Certainly none of you all!
[10] But a sinner is often much blinder spiritually than the physically blind; therefore who can be ashamed to take a blind man by the arm?!
[11] Therefore in the future let no sinner be too great for you so that you are ashamed to be a leader for him!" (The Great Gospel of John, chap. 49)
[5] For if you walk in the street with a whore and an adulteress, people will point their fingers at you and do things to you which will not honor you before the world; but if you bring the whore and the adulteress back to the correct path, you will be given a great reward from God, and the smallest part of this is of more value than a whole world full of the most shining honor.
[6] Whoever brings a lost person back to Me will receive more reward than one who has guarded well a hundred lambs on a safe pasture. For it is a very easy task to keep an honest person honorable and virtuous; but to lift someone who is despised by everyone up to honor again and to make a virtuous hero out of an arch-sinner says significantly more! And only that is seen favorably to Me – but the former is only work of a lazy fellow!
[7] I am the all-highest, if you will accept that, and I seek and take only the despised and lost in the eyes of the world. For the healthy certainly do not need a doctor!
[8] If you accordingly want to completely be My true disciples and servants, you must also be what I am in all things.
[9] If you see a blind man strolling on the street and also see that the path he is treading is a highly dangerous one particularly for a blind person, will you not immediately take the blind walker by the arm and say to him: Listen, friend, the path that you are now walking is very dangerous; let me lead you so that you do not fall off a precipice! And if he then trusts your word, will you be ashamed to lead a blind man? Certainly none of you all!
[10] But a sinner is often much blinder spiritually than the physically blind; therefore who can be ashamed to take a blind man by the arm?!
[11] Therefore in the future let no sinner be too great for you so that you are ashamed to be a leader for him!" (The Great Gospel of John, chap. 49)

Why didn't the Pharisees recognize Jesus?
"[13] What a most humble witness John bears before the priests and
Levites, since he quite aware who had come to the Earth in Christ. But
what is that to the so worldly wise priesthood. They ignored John’
truest testimony, for they did not care for a humble, poor and
unpretentious Messiah, but wanted one to whom everyone would succumb in
fear and terror.
[14] At his first appearance – naturally nowhere else but in Jerusalem – descending visibly from Heaven shining more brilliantly than the sun, accompanied by myriads of angels and taking residence only in the temple, the Messiah would have to immediately abolish and destroy all the then existing potentates, also promptly render the Jews completely immortal, provide them with all the money on Earth and fling at least some hundreds of apparently superfluous mountains with thunderous noise into the sea, at the same time also executing the poor, dirty rabble. Then they would have believed in Him and said: ‘Lord, you are so terribly strong and mighty. All have to bow deeply before you and throw themselves into the dust, and the high priest is not worthy to unloose your shoe’s latchets.’
[15] But Christ came to Earth quite poor, insignificant apparently weak, did not work any sign before the eyes of the prominent for almost 30 years. He worked hard as a carpenter with Joseph and frequented the company of the lower classes. How could, in the eyes of the proud and so very wise Jews, that be the so long awaited Messiah? Away with such a blasphemer, such a magician who accomplishes his feats with the help of the chief devil. Such an uncouth and vulgar carpenter who somewhere with the help of Satan has learnt to practice magic, who walks about barefoot, is a friend to the lowest rabble and walks around with them, accepts harlots and eats and drinks in the company of publicly known sinners thereby plainly opposing the law, - how could he possibly be the Christ, the promised Messiah?
[16] This was the opinion of the eminent and wise Jews about Me during My full presence in the flesh on Earth. And exactly the same view is still today held concerning Me by millions, who will on no account even hear of a meek, condescending God who keeps His word.
[17] Firstly, their God has to dwell high above the firmament and because of His infinite sublimity hardly exists. He is not expected to create lesser things than suns if He wants to be a worthy God. Secondly, He may not dare to assume any form, least of all a human form, but has to be some incomprehensible absurdity.
[18] Thirdly, if Christ could possibly be God, He may make Himself known through the inner, living word only to members of the profession, to certain societies, councils, extraordinary pietists, zealots surrounded by a so-called halo and models of virtue, promptly endowing such a blessed one with the power to move mountains. Otherwise there cannot exist any divine messages or revelations by Christ.
[19] The Lord Jesus may never make Himself known to a layman or even a sinner, for in such a case the revelation is already under suspicion and is not accepted, just as I Myself was not accepted by the eminent Jews, because in their proud and ambitious eyes My appearing was by far not sufficiently divine and noble. However, that does not matter. What matters is only John’s testimony.
[20] The world does not change and continues to be the desert of Bethabara where John bore witness. -But I, too, do not change and keep coming to men to suppress their pride and enliven true humility and love in the same way as when I came to the Jews. Blessed are those who recognize and accept Me as did John according to his testimony about Me before the eyes and ears of the proud priests and Levites greatly annoying them." (The Great Gospel of John - through Jakob Lorber, Book 1, chap 5)
[14] At his first appearance – naturally nowhere else but in Jerusalem – descending visibly from Heaven shining more brilliantly than the sun, accompanied by myriads of angels and taking residence only in the temple, the Messiah would have to immediately abolish and destroy all the then existing potentates, also promptly render the Jews completely immortal, provide them with all the money on Earth and fling at least some hundreds of apparently superfluous mountains with thunderous noise into the sea, at the same time also executing the poor, dirty rabble. Then they would have believed in Him and said: ‘Lord, you are so terribly strong and mighty. All have to bow deeply before you and throw themselves into the dust, and the high priest is not worthy to unloose your shoe’s latchets.’
[15] But Christ came to Earth quite poor, insignificant apparently weak, did not work any sign before the eyes of the prominent for almost 30 years. He worked hard as a carpenter with Joseph and frequented the company of the lower classes. How could, in the eyes of the proud and so very wise Jews, that be the so long awaited Messiah? Away with such a blasphemer, such a magician who accomplishes his feats with the help of the chief devil. Such an uncouth and vulgar carpenter who somewhere with the help of Satan has learnt to practice magic, who walks about barefoot, is a friend to the lowest rabble and walks around with them, accepts harlots and eats and drinks in the company of publicly known sinners thereby plainly opposing the law, - how could he possibly be the Christ, the promised Messiah?
[16] This was the opinion of the eminent and wise Jews about Me during My full presence in the flesh on Earth. And exactly the same view is still today held concerning Me by millions, who will on no account even hear of a meek, condescending God who keeps His word.
[17] Firstly, their God has to dwell high above the firmament and because of His infinite sublimity hardly exists. He is not expected to create lesser things than suns if He wants to be a worthy God. Secondly, He may not dare to assume any form, least of all a human form, but has to be some incomprehensible absurdity.
[18] Thirdly, if Christ could possibly be God, He may make Himself known through the inner, living word only to members of the profession, to certain societies, councils, extraordinary pietists, zealots surrounded by a so-called halo and models of virtue, promptly endowing such a blessed one with the power to move mountains. Otherwise there cannot exist any divine messages or revelations by Christ.
[19] The Lord Jesus may never make Himself known to a layman or even a sinner, for in such a case the revelation is already under suspicion and is not accepted, just as I Myself was not accepted by the eminent Jews, because in their proud and ambitious eyes My appearing was by far not sufficiently divine and noble. However, that does not matter. What matters is only John’s testimony.
[20] The world does not change and continues to be the desert of Bethabara where John bore witness. -But I, too, do not change and keep coming to men to suppress their pride and enliven true humility and love in the same way as when I came to the Jews. Blessed are those who recognize and accept Me as did John according to his testimony about Me before the eyes and ears of the proud priests and Levites greatly annoying them." (The Great Gospel of John - through Jakob Lorber, Book 1, chap 5)

The great value of a PROMISE
"[1] DO not ever promise a person something you then cannot or –
even worse – do not wish to keep for whatever reasons, if you truly
want to become children of God. In truth, I tell you, the worst thing is
a promise that is not kept.
[2] For the one who is angry sins within himself and harms first himself. Who practices lewdness buries his soul in the judgment of the flesh and again harms himself, but the evil of evils is the lie.
[3] If you have promised to do something for a person and circumstances arise that make it impossible for you to keep your promise, do go to him without delay and tell him honestly what has happened to you, so that he can help himself at the proper time in some other way to overcome some difficulty.
[4] But woe betide everyone who makes promises and does not keep them, even if he could do so, for thereby he causes far-reaching trouble. The one who expected his help cannot fulfill his duty, and the hands of those who relied on him are tied, and thus such a broken promise can cause greatest embarrassment and distress to thousands. Therefore, a promise that is not kept is the thing most opposed to the love of one’s neighbor and, therefore, the greatest of evils.
[5] It is better to have a hard heart because that will not raise any deceptive hopes with anyone. One knows that nothing can be expected of a hard-hearted person and, therefore, other means are sought for the preservation of the necessary order. But if someone expects something that was promised to him, he abstains from seeking other ways and means, and when the time comes that the business of the one expecting help has to be attended to and the one who promised him lets him down and does not tell him in advance that for some reason, which must of course be absolutely true, he will not be able to keep his promise, such promiser is like Satan who from the very beginning made mankind brilliant promises through his prophets none of which he has ever kept, thereby plunging numerous people into misery.
[6] Therefore, beware above all of such promises which you cannot keep and, even worse, for whatever reasons do not want to keep, for that is the attitude of the chief of devils.
[7] Be loving and righteous in all things, for in the Father’s Kingdom the righteous once shall shine as the sun at noon."
(The Great Gospel of John through Jakob Lorber, Book 2, chap. 98)
[2] For the one who is angry sins within himself and harms first himself. Who practices lewdness buries his soul in the judgment of the flesh and again harms himself, but the evil of evils is the lie.
[3] If you have promised to do something for a person and circumstances arise that make it impossible for you to keep your promise, do go to him without delay and tell him honestly what has happened to you, so that he can help himself at the proper time in some other way to overcome some difficulty.
[4] But woe betide everyone who makes promises and does not keep them, even if he could do so, for thereby he causes far-reaching trouble. The one who expected his help cannot fulfill his duty, and the hands of those who relied on him are tied, and thus such a broken promise can cause greatest embarrassment and distress to thousands. Therefore, a promise that is not kept is the thing most opposed to the love of one’s neighbor and, therefore, the greatest of evils.
[5] It is better to have a hard heart because that will not raise any deceptive hopes with anyone. One knows that nothing can be expected of a hard-hearted person and, therefore, other means are sought for the preservation of the necessary order. But if someone expects something that was promised to him, he abstains from seeking other ways and means, and when the time comes that the business of the one expecting help has to be attended to and the one who promised him lets him down and does not tell him in advance that for some reason, which must of course be absolutely true, he will not be able to keep his promise, such promiser is like Satan who from the very beginning made mankind brilliant promises through his prophets none of which he has ever kept, thereby plunging numerous people into misery.
[6] Therefore, beware above all of such promises which you cannot keep and, even worse, for whatever reasons do not want to keep, for that is the attitude of the chief of devils.
[7] Be loving and righteous in all things, for in the Father’s Kingdom the righteous once shall shine as the sun at noon."
(The Great Gospel of John through Jakob Lorber, Book 2, chap. 98)

The Second Coming of the Lord
Excerpt of The revealed work "The Great Gospel of John", vol. 9 chapter 23.
"[3] If men go too much astray and become entangled in the enticements of the world and think that they only exist to provide themselves, as sensible and thinking human beings, of all imaginable pleasures from the world that is richly equipped with all kinds of things, and if they do not discover the real purpose why they have been put into the world and who put them into the world, then there can be no question of a real, higher revelation of God and His will of love. That can only take place when men begin to think due to all kinds of need and misery, at least up to the point that they will ask: `Why actually did we have to come into this miserable world, and why must we actually let ourselves be tormented and tortured unto our certain death, which is the miserable ending of our despair?'
[4] Then the moment has come on which God will again reveal Himself to men, first by the mouth of awakened men, and by other signs, but also by all sorts of judgment over those people who became rich and mighty, proud and loveless and very arrogant through all kinds of lies and deceptions and the suppression of the poor and the weak - people who do not think anymore about any God themselves and still less have any faith in their heart, but who only throw themselves into all the pleasures of the world, run over the poor and who do not even consider them anymore to have the value of a human being but only of a simple animal.
[5] Once the measure among men on the world will be full, a great judgment will come, and together with that, also a great, direct revelation from God to men who in their heart will still believe in God and who have thus also kept the love for Him and their fellowman.
[6] Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in almost 2000 years."
"[3] If men go too much astray and become entangled in the enticements of the world and think that they only exist to provide themselves, as sensible and thinking human beings, of all imaginable pleasures from the world that is richly equipped with all kinds of things, and if they do not discover the real purpose why they have been put into the world and who put them into the world, then there can be no question of a real, higher revelation of God and His will of love. That can only take place when men begin to think due to all kinds of need and misery, at least up to the point that they will ask: `Why actually did we have to come into this miserable world, and why must we actually let ourselves be tormented and tortured unto our certain death, which is the miserable ending of our despair?'
[4] Then the moment has come on which God will again reveal Himself to men, first by the mouth of awakened men, and by other signs, but also by all sorts of judgment over those people who became rich and mighty, proud and loveless and very arrogant through all kinds of lies and deceptions and the suppression of the poor and the weak - people who do not think anymore about any God themselves and still less have any faith in their heart, but who only throw themselves into all the pleasures of the world, run over the poor and who do not even consider them anymore to have the value of a human being but only of a simple animal.
[5] Once the measure among men on the world will be full, a great judgment will come, and together with that, also a great, direct revelation from God to men who in their heart will still believe in God and who have thus also kept the love for Him and their fellowman.
[6] Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in almost 2000 years."

Some reasons to be a Christian?... A few ideas
How can a Christian such as ourselves, believing both in the
Scriptures and the New Revelation, answer to an unbeliever about the
main possible reasons to be a Christian?...
Of course, he could mention salvation and eternal life after the death of body. But for the unbeliever these are, in the usual circumstances of life, just kind of philosophical concepts. He could mention the moral arguments... but each man of conscience can recognize them also outside any religious belief. He could unfold some modern scientific arguments which indeed, point to the existence of an intelligent and incredibly careful creator... but the nonbeliever may easily observe that none of them implies that this mysterious creator incarnated himself as a man to bring the example of divine love to mankind in order to ensure its salvation. He could enumerate the prophecies of the Old Testament, confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, which find their fulfillment in the life of Jesus as it is described in Gospels. However, these ones will usually not attract the unbeliever, for he already heard about all kinds of other theories which seem to condemn irrefutably their fallacies and shortcomings. He could mention the New Revelation through Lorber and Mayerhofer, which confirms the scriptures and fully solves all Christian dilemma. Unfortunately, very few will take some interest in studying a teaching which has still no popularity in the world. With other words... even if what they hear seems pretty interesting, they chose to remain skeptics because no worldly authority supports that message.
Finally... the believer may then simply affirm that to be a true Christian means not only to love your fellowman, but also to be able to keep this love alive against all enmities and injustices, to be able to turn self-love, resentments and hate into love, by means of forgiveness and compassion. He may conclude that to be a true Christian means to be an apostle of unconditional, invincible love.
Some proof for this?... Any seeker may browse the old and modern history of Christianity and discover at every step people letting themselves killed on the cross, given to the lions, chopped off, tortured and killed in an unimaginable variety of ways, for their faith.
Could any mental delusion lead to such incredible sacrifices? Certainly, not.
Could love lead to them? Certainly, yes. And real faith is nothing else but the living promise of love.
In a world in which love is the most misunderstood and betrayed thing, the Christian martyrs represent in the purest way the fundamental truth any good parent and true lover recognizes: life is less than love.
So, finally, coming back to our question... why should an unbeliever be interested in becoming a Christian?
Well, simply because he might be interested to discover in himself the love which is greater than life.
Of course, he could mention salvation and eternal life after the death of body. But for the unbeliever these are, in the usual circumstances of life, just kind of philosophical concepts. He could mention the moral arguments... but each man of conscience can recognize them also outside any religious belief. He could unfold some modern scientific arguments which indeed, point to the existence of an intelligent and incredibly careful creator... but the nonbeliever may easily observe that none of them implies that this mysterious creator incarnated himself as a man to bring the example of divine love to mankind in order to ensure its salvation. He could enumerate the prophecies of the Old Testament, confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls, which find their fulfillment in the life of Jesus as it is described in Gospels. However, these ones will usually not attract the unbeliever, for he already heard about all kinds of other theories which seem to condemn irrefutably their fallacies and shortcomings. He could mention the New Revelation through Lorber and Mayerhofer, which confirms the scriptures and fully solves all Christian dilemma. Unfortunately, very few will take some interest in studying a teaching which has still no popularity in the world. With other words... even if what they hear seems pretty interesting, they chose to remain skeptics because no worldly authority supports that message.
Finally... the believer may then simply affirm that to be a true Christian means not only to love your fellowman, but also to be able to keep this love alive against all enmities and injustices, to be able to turn self-love, resentments and hate into love, by means of forgiveness and compassion. He may conclude that to be a true Christian means to be an apostle of unconditional, invincible love.
Some proof for this?... Any seeker may browse the old and modern history of Christianity and discover at every step people letting themselves killed on the cross, given to the lions, chopped off, tortured and killed in an unimaginable variety of ways, for their faith.
Could any mental delusion lead to such incredible sacrifices? Certainly, not.
Could love lead to them? Certainly, yes. And real faith is nothing else but the living promise of love.
In a world in which love is the most misunderstood and betrayed thing, the Christian martyrs represent in the purest way the fundamental truth any good parent and true lover recognizes: life is less than love.
So, finally, coming back to our question... why should an unbeliever be interested in becoming a Christian?
Well, simply because he might be interested to discover in himself the love which is greater than life.

The Promise of the Lord (chap. from The Household of God 1)
"29. And now, you blind scribe of this My new and living Word
within you, as also within all of you, look at Adam what he was like in
Paradise. He was a perfect man, with one exception, endowed with many
abilities, a perfect lord of the earth. All his perfections were but a
gift from Me and he kept them until the time when he just once forgot
Me, after the angel had become invisible to his eyes.
30. And behold, all that which Adam possessed as a gift will I give all of you as a permanent gift and countless more and endlessly greater treasures, that is, Myself. And all that is Mine shall be yours too if you love Me, and nothing but love Me!
31. But where is your love for which I paid such a high price and which I would like to call Mine forever? Oh, there is not much of it left on earth! It is so easy and so gentle, but you do not want it and do not seek it where it is waiting for you and reject the high prize it holds." (The Householf of God, chp. 11)
"1. Oh, you children of Adam, why would you not rather become My children? How much effort and hard work it costs you to obtain the bread of Adam which drips from the sweat of your hands and is soiled by the drivel of serpents and soaked by the poison of adders and through which you in your immoderation eat yourselves into temporal and then also eternal death!
2. And My bread is spread with the honey of My love and soaked in the milk of the forever tree life out of Me. You could eat it with the greatest enjoyment and it would never harm you, but instead strengthen you and endow you with all the might and power out of Me for all eternity and already temporally, if you would only accept it. Behold, soon after My greatest act, which is the great work of salvation for you, the price for this My bread was still very high and people could buy it only in small quantities and that only through the sacrifice of their blood and physical life for Me. At that time this My bread tasted bitter in the mouths of the buyers and was not yet spread with the honey of love and soaked in the milk of free life already temporally, but both, the honey and the milk were given the grieving buyers in the right measure only in the realm of spirits. Nevertheless there were buyers in great numbers.
3. But now when I give it freely with honey and milk to everyone who wants it for the only very small reward of your love, now it is bitterly scorned and the great and kind Giver, who is surely and truly full of the greatest love for you, is rejected.
4. Know this: Now I have the gates of My heavens wide open. Whoever wishes to enter, let him do so, but let him come soon, let him come at once, for the Great Time of Grace has come and the New Jerusalem is descending to all of you upon the earth in order that all who love Me may take up residence where they will become satisfied with the honey and milk- soaked bread and shall drink their fill of the pure water of life which they shall draw in abundance from the eternal Jacob's well.
5. However, while the descent of My great city will be a boundless grace for all My children, it will on the oilier hand crush the blind and squash the deaf with its strong walls. For it will be large enough to cover the entire face of the earth. And whoever will not see it descending and will not perceive its rushing through the clear atmosphere of the earth, will no longer find a place on earth where to hide from it and escape being crushed.
6. For behold, the weight of its palaces will crush the mountains leveling them with the valleys, and I will place its houses over sloughs and bogs and all the scum existing therein shall be crushed completely by the foundations of the houses of the great city of God, your holy Father in heaven and on earth.
7. And the true Shepherd will call His sheep and they shall hear and recognize His voice to the ends of the earth. Then they will come and happily graze in the vast pastures of the Father, which are the great gardens of the new holy city of the Great King of all nations that were, are and will forever be.
8. These gardens will be the Paradise lost through Adam, which I, as the First, have found again and faithfully kept for them as an eternal mansion.
9. This is the reason why I have shown you in all detail My great household from eternity, have shown you My creation and how the first man came into existence. I will further show him to you to the end of his days and will show you the great whore and the destroyed Babylon, and then I will lead you into My great holy city and there give you a permanent home for all eternity, if you love Me above all, as I love you.
10. Behold the heavens and the earth! One day they will pass away physically and will exist only spiritually. But every one of My words, which are spoken to, you will remain as it has come from My mouth, both physically and spiritually, in all the might and power of holiness forever and ever. Amen."
30. And behold, all that which Adam possessed as a gift will I give all of you as a permanent gift and countless more and endlessly greater treasures, that is, Myself. And all that is Mine shall be yours too if you love Me, and nothing but love Me!
31. But where is your love for which I paid such a high price and which I would like to call Mine forever? Oh, there is not much of it left on earth! It is so easy and so gentle, but you do not want it and do not seek it where it is waiting for you and reject the high prize it holds." (The Householf of God, chp. 11)
"1. Oh, you children of Adam, why would you not rather become My children? How much effort and hard work it costs you to obtain the bread of Adam which drips from the sweat of your hands and is soiled by the drivel of serpents and soaked by the poison of adders and through which you in your immoderation eat yourselves into temporal and then also eternal death!
2. And My bread is spread with the honey of My love and soaked in the milk of the forever tree life out of Me. You could eat it with the greatest enjoyment and it would never harm you, but instead strengthen you and endow you with all the might and power out of Me for all eternity and already temporally, if you would only accept it. Behold, soon after My greatest act, which is the great work of salvation for you, the price for this My bread was still very high and people could buy it only in small quantities and that only through the sacrifice of their blood and physical life for Me. At that time this My bread tasted bitter in the mouths of the buyers and was not yet spread with the honey of love and soaked in the milk of free life already temporally, but both, the honey and the milk were given the grieving buyers in the right measure only in the realm of spirits. Nevertheless there were buyers in great numbers.
3. But now when I give it freely with honey and milk to everyone who wants it for the only very small reward of your love, now it is bitterly scorned and the great and kind Giver, who is surely and truly full of the greatest love for you, is rejected.
4. Know this: Now I have the gates of My heavens wide open. Whoever wishes to enter, let him do so, but let him come soon, let him come at once, for the Great Time of Grace has come and the New Jerusalem is descending to all of you upon the earth in order that all who love Me may take up residence where they will become satisfied with the honey and milk- soaked bread and shall drink their fill of the pure water of life which they shall draw in abundance from the eternal Jacob's well.
5. However, while the descent of My great city will be a boundless grace for all My children, it will on the oilier hand crush the blind and squash the deaf with its strong walls. For it will be large enough to cover the entire face of the earth. And whoever will not see it descending and will not perceive its rushing through the clear atmosphere of the earth, will no longer find a place on earth where to hide from it and escape being crushed.
6. For behold, the weight of its palaces will crush the mountains leveling them with the valleys, and I will place its houses over sloughs and bogs and all the scum existing therein shall be crushed completely by the foundations of the houses of the great city of God, your holy Father in heaven and on earth.
7. And the true Shepherd will call His sheep and they shall hear and recognize His voice to the ends of the earth. Then they will come and happily graze in the vast pastures of the Father, which are the great gardens of the new holy city of the Great King of all nations that were, are and will forever be.
8. These gardens will be the Paradise lost through Adam, which I, as the First, have found again and faithfully kept for them as an eternal mansion.
9. This is the reason why I have shown you in all detail My great household from eternity, have shown you My creation and how the first man came into existence. I will further show him to you to the end of his days and will show you the great whore and the destroyed Babylon, and then I will lead you into My great holy city and there give you a permanent home for all eternity, if you love Me above all, as I love you.
10. Behold the heavens and the earth! One day they will pass away physically and will exist only spiritually. But every one of My words, which are spoken to, you will remain as it has come from My mouth, both physically and spiritually, in all the might and power of holiness forever and ever. Amen."

After talking to a kind New Age believer...
Our challenges in these troubled End Times are greater than ever...
Many people are increasingly eager for spirituality but usually just
stick with the mixture of superstition and truth given by
institutionalized religions or chose some good looking, but very
dangerous New Age stuff. To get them out of their preconceptions in
order to have at least a small glance to the overwhelming picture of the
divine love given in the New Revelation, might require unusual
patience and diplomacy.
To make them understand that behind the "contracts with God"offered by the priests or behind the compassionate communication of a "Galactic Federation representative", stands a very clever algorithm to develop the ego and block any true feeling of love for the true God, might be one very difficult enterprise. So, we might start to practice more often this art of gently guiding the souls toward the Lord using no other miracle but the greatest one, which, according to Himself, is exactly this direct word of His. Otherwise, there's no chance that we would ever master it and consequently, bring the expected good fruits ... Thus, this most incredible talent given to us as a pledge of great trust and responsibility will end up buried and thus, will once bring us not joy, but many tears.
"The reason why I am now giving out so much of the bread of heaven, as has never happened since the day I walked on earth, is that now indeed the time is approaching when the world reaches the culmination of its aberrations and deviation from My plan of creation." (Lord’ Sermons, 16)
“Whoever is destined for life on earth, shall be awakened to life through My word.”
(The Great Gospel of John IX 148:12)
To make them understand that behind the "contracts with God"offered by the priests or behind the compassionate communication of a "Galactic Federation representative", stands a very clever algorithm to develop the ego and block any true feeling of love for the true God, might be one very difficult enterprise. So, we might start to practice more often this art of gently guiding the souls toward the Lord using no other miracle but the greatest one, which, according to Himself, is exactly this direct word of His. Otherwise, there's no chance that we would ever master it and consequently, bring the expected good fruits ... Thus, this most incredible talent given to us as a pledge of great trust and responsibility will end up buried and thus, will once bring us not joy, but many tears.
"The reason why I am now giving out so much of the bread of heaven, as has never happened since the day I walked on earth, is that now indeed the time is approaching when the world reaches the culmination of its aberrations and deviation from My plan of creation." (Lord’ Sermons, 16)
“Whoever is destined for life on earth, shall be awakened to life through My word.”
(The Great Gospel of John IX 148:12)

The Parable of the Landowner. The poor are Lord's children's everywhere
"[1]THE Pharisees, the usurers who always know how to safely lend their large quantity of gold and silver against high interest rates to other big estate agents and usurers, and then spoil and maliciously squander their high lending interests to whores and falsely swearing adulteresses, and when poor and needy people come to them, they say: ‘Turn to God, He will help you, for we are poor ourselves and must beg’ – those will later have it very hard to give an account to Me.
[2] Such false servants of God, who preach to the people about love for God and fellowman which they themselves never practiced, are to Me the worst sinners and offenders and will receive their reward for it in the beyond from the prince of Hell whom they served, because such fornicators, adulterers, usurers, revelers, and with that the greatest blasphemer of God, will not enter My Kingdom. So do not take their example.
[3] How can one of you say to his fellowman: ‘In your need, turn to God who loves you above all. He will help you’, when he himself does not believe in God and does really not love Him above all.
[4] The one who already does not love his needy fellowman whom he can see, how shall he love God above all whom he does not see? Love for God on the part of man is determined by the love for his fellowman. The one who says that for one’s salvation it is only necessary to love God above all, but then closes his heart and door for his poor fellowman, is in great error because love for God is without love for fellowman eternally not thinkable and also not possible. So love your fellowman, because they are just like you God’s children, then by doing so you will also love God above all.
[5] Look, once there was a very rich landowner who had a lot of possessions, and everyone who was in his service had a good life. That landowner had also many children whom he loved and whom he sent to worldly schools, so that they should become experienced men.
[6] But he only gave what was most necessary for them in the worldly schools, so that they would not indulge and become lazy and then unsuitable to manage his possessions.
[7] These children were not so well off in those worldly schools, and they often had a real poor subsistence and not seldom they asked strange people for alms.
[8] Some of the people they contacted said: ‘Oh, you have a very rich father. Contact him, he will help you’, and they did not give anything to the children.
[9] A few others thought however within their softer heart within themselves: ‘We know that the father of these children is very rich and he would like to help his children who study here, but he must have very wise reasons not to do so, and these children with us are clearly suffering and in need and we will help them the best we can.’ And what they thought they also did.
[10] After some time, the very rich landowner himself came to that foreign worldly city where his children had to acquire various knowledge and experience, and he took detailed information as to who showed love to his children.
[11] And look, the children brought their father to all the places where love had been shown to them, and the father rewarded the benefactors of his children a hundred times and took the greatest benefactors with him on his possessions and treated them as his own children.
[12] Look, here before you stands in Me that landowner. The poor in this world are truly My children everywhere. The rich however are mostly the children of this world.
[13] In order that My children would not indulge, I let them also in this hard – but for them extremely beneficial – school of life to suffer need. And in their need they come to the rich of the world. What these will do for My children, I also will do for them, and I will reward them already here manifold and in My Kingdom endlesslyfold.
[14] So the one who has the love of the children by his love for the children, has also the love of the Father and has acquired by that the eternal reward. Do you now understand what it means to love God above all?”
(GGJ, Book 24, chp. 22)
"[1]THE Pharisees, the usurers who always know how to safely lend their large quantity of gold and silver against high interest rates to other big estate agents and usurers, and then spoil and maliciously squander their high lending interests to whores and falsely swearing adulteresses, and when poor and needy people come to them, they say: ‘Turn to God, He will help you, for we are poor ourselves and must beg’ – those will later have it very hard to give an account to Me.
[2] Such false servants of God, who preach to the people about love for God and fellowman which they themselves never practiced, are to Me the worst sinners and offenders and will receive their reward for it in the beyond from the prince of Hell whom they served, because such fornicators, adulterers, usurers, revelers, and with that the greatest blasphemer of God, will not enter My Kingdom. So do not take their example.
[3] How can one of you say to his fellowman: ‘In your need, turn to God who loves you above all. He will help you’, when he himself does not believe in God and does really not love Him above all.
[4] The one who already does not love his needy fellowman whom he can see, how shall he love God above all whom he does not see? Love for God on the part of man is determined by the love for his fellowman. The one who says that for one’s salvation it is only necessary to love God above all, but then closes his heart and door for his poor fellowman, is in great error because love for God is without love for fellowman eternally not thinkable and also not possible. So love your fellowman, because they are just like you God’s children, then by doing so you will also love God above all.
[5] Look, once there was a very rich landowner who had a lot of possessions, and everyone who was in his service had a good life. That landowner had also many children whom he loved and whom he sent to worldly schools, so that they should become experienced men.
[6] But he only gave what was most necessary for them in the worldly schools, so that they would not indulge and become lazy and then unsuitable to manage his possessions.
[7] These children were not so well off in those worldly schools, and they often had a real poor subsistence and not seldom they asked strange people for alms.
[8] Some of the people they contacted said: ‘Oh, you have a very rich father. Contact him, he will help you’, and they did not give anything to the children.
[9] A few others thought however within their softer heart within themselves: ‘We know that the father of these children is very rich and he would like to help his children who study here, but he must have very wise reasons not to do so, and these children with us are clearly suffering and in need and we will help them the best we can.’ And what they thought they also did.
[10] After some time, the very rich landowner himself came to that foreign worldly city where his children had to acquire various knowledge and experience, and he took detailed information as to who showed love to his children.
[11] And look, the children brought their father to all the places where love had been shown to them, and the father rewarded the benefactors of his children a hundred times and took the greatest benefactors with him on his possessions and treated them as his own children.
[12] Look, here before you stands in Me that landowner. The poor in this world are truly My children everywhere. The rich however are mostly the children of this world.
[13] In order that My children would not indulge, I let them also in this hard – but for them extremely beneficial – school of life to suffer need. And in their need they come to the rich of the world. What these will do for My children, I also will do for them, and I will reward them already here manifold and in My Kingdom endlesslyfold.
[14] So the one who has the love of the children by his love for the children, has also the love of the Father and has acquired by that the eternal reward. Do you now understand what it means to love God above all?”
(GGJ, Book 24, chp. 22)

The Judgment over the Epicures - prophecies from the New Revelation
"[1] You know that someone who has become rich in earthly goods has
most of the time also become in his heart as a stone of in sensitiveness
and without love. What does he care about the many thousands of other
people who are tormented by hunger, thirst and still other disasters,
for he is well provided for, has never felt hunger or thirst and has an
abundance of treasures to please him with every other pleasure, so that
he does not have to taste any boredom or any other displeasure.
[2] But then, where does such a person stand in his inner spiritual sphere of life? I say to you: on the point of eternal judgment and its death, and his whole circle of acquaintances is not far away from it.
[3] Besides that, remember what I will proclaim to you: when there will be a lot of Epicures on the Earth, a general judgment over all the people on this Earth will also soon be allowed by God. Then we will see if somewhere there will again be men who will stand up with the measuring stick in their hand and dare to say to their fellowmen: ‘Look, I have measured this big piece of land, I have indicated its boundaries and declare this as my complete inviolable property, and he who has the brutality to dispute this or will only say: ‘Friend, everyone of us has the right to snatch this imagined right out of your hands, as long as he has the power and the means to do it', I will punish with death.'
[4] I say to you: at that time such people will never exist, for when next time I will come again on this Earth to keep judgment over such dead epicures, but also to give the reward of life to those who out of love for God and their fellowman have suffered much misery and distress, then the Earth will no more be measured with any measuring stick for the benefit of one person only, but wherever one will stand, he will also reap and provide for his need. And the people will well support one another, and no one will say: ‘Look, this is my property and I am lord over it.' Because then men will perceive that I alone am the Lord, and that they all are brothers and sisters.
[5] It is true that this should also be the case among the people now, but in this middle period of development of men who are still not purified by the big fire of life, it will stay allowed, but from now on, it will not be a full 2.000 years anymore. After that, the spirit will predominate strongly with men and on the Earth no more ‘mine' and ‘his' will be seen, nor will be talked about it.
[6] You, who are now My friends, possess a big piece of land of the Earth that has been measured to you. Ask yourselves who measured it to you as your legal property, and the answer will be: the laws made by men, and your money and other treasures to which again only men have awarded an idle value to it.
[7] From God's point of view, the whole Earth belongs to all men in equal measure, as this was the case in the beginning. Wise men should divide it according to the need of the people and should teach them to cultivate it, and then the fruits should be partly distributed by the wise men and the surplus should be kept in warehouses and storehouses that are arranged for that, so that no one in the community should suffer need.
[8] But if the rich and mighty will draw everything unto themselves, a lot of people must by that become very poor and live their lives in great misery and distress, because everything belongs to the few rich and mighty but nothing to the poor, except what the rich and mighty want to give them in a scanty measure for the heavy work that they have done for them.
(Great Gospel of John Book 20, chap. 30. About future events)
"[1] Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.
[2] However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offense, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad consequence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.
[3] But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves. The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second deluge by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.
[4] But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time, the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.
[5] Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.
[6] Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”
(Great Gospel of John Book 18, chap. 99. The coming judgments )
[5] But when too many people will have reached the full measure of their evil, then the time of their unpunished evil actions will be shortened by Me for the sake of the still few good ones and chosen ones, and then their own judgment and their death will devour them before the eyes of the few righteous ones, just like it was the case at the time of Noah, and of Abraham and Lot, and also partially at the time of Joshua, and as it still will be repeatedly the case from now on.
[6] The beginning of that will soon be experienced by the Jews, as well as later by other kingdoms with their rulers and nations. And in not completely 2.000 years there will again be a very big and general judgment, leading to salvation of the good ones and to ruin of the worldly great ones and the complete loveless people.
[7] How that judgment will look like and what it will imply, that I have revealed already several times to all My disciples who are present here with Me, and after Me they will proclaim it to the nations of the Earth. Happy the one who will take it at heart and who will arrange his life accordingly, so that he will not be taken by the judgment.
(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap 97. About the measure of good and evil)
[16] Correspondingly, when men become, concerning their inner life activity, lukewarm, lazy, sleepy and without light, then immediately great movements will arise in the endless great spirit world, and these will then cause by their influence also all kinds of movements and waves among men who still live on this Earth. Then one nation rises against the other, one teaching fights against the other, and this will continue for a long time until men will be led to the greatest possible life activity.
[17] As a result, it will then also become clearer and lighter among them. The apparent need makes them inventive and forces them in this manner to an ever greater and more orderly activity. Because of that, the nations will learn to know each other, who before hardly knew anything of each other, and in time they will become useful for each other, and in course of time the light will increase among them and will in the first place bring about a greater longing for an almost tangible proven truth of life.
[18] When finally the need will become more general and the people will be no more satisfied with the pure authoritative belief, which is all the time a cause of the dark and lazy superstition, then the time will have come to give them a great and tangible light of life, full of clearness and truth.
[19] And look, a lot of people on the whole Earth who nowadays are as if seized by a deep sleep by all kinds of laziness and darkness of life, must thus be led into a heavy stormy movement until they can be awakened after a long series of periods of time to a point where in this awakened condition they finally begin to feel what they are lacking.”
(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap. 10. The order in the household of God)
[2] But then, where does such a person stand in his inner spiritual sphere of life? I say to you: on the point of eternal judgment and its death, and his whole circle of acquaintances is not far away from it.
[3] Besides that, remember what I will proclaim to you: when there will be a lot of Epicures on the Earth, a general judgment over all the people on this Earth will also soon be allowed by God. Then we will see if somewhere there will again be men who will stand up with the measuring stick in their hand and dare to say to their fellowmen: ‘Look, I have measured this big piece of land, I have indicated its boundaries and declare this as my complete inviolable property, and he who has the brutality to dispute this or will only say: ‘Friend, everyone of us has the right to snatch this imagined right out of your hands, as long as he has the power and the means to do it', I will punish with death.'
[4] I say to you: at that time such people will never exist, for when next time I will come again on this Earth to keep judgment over such dead epicures, but also to give the reward of life to those who out of love for God and their fellowman have suffered much misery and distress, then the Earth will no more be measured with any measuring stick for the benefit of one person only, but wherever one will stand, he will also reap and provide for his need. And the people will well support one another, and no one will say: ‘Look, this is my property and I am lord over it.' Because then men will perceive that I alone am the Lord, and that they all are brothers and sisters.
[5] It is true that this should also be the case among the people now, but in this middle period of development of men who are still not purified by the big fire of life, it will stay allowed, but from now on, it will not be a full 2.000 years anymore. After that, the spirit will predominate strongly with men and on the Earth no more ‘mine' and ‘his' will be seen, nor will be talked about it.
[6] You, who are now My friends, possess a big piece of land of the Earth that has been measured to you. Ask yourselves who measured it to you as your legal property, and the answer will be: the laws made by men, and your money and other treasures to which again only men have awarded an idle value to it.
[7] From God's point of view, the whole Earth belongs to all men in equal measure, as this was the case in the beginning. Wise men should divide it according to the need of the people and should teach them to cultivate it, and then the fruits should be partly distributed by the wise men and the surplus should be kept in warehouses and storehouses that are arranged for that, so that no one in the community should suffer need.
[8] But if the rich and mighty will draw everything unto themselves, a lot of people must by that become very poor and live their lives in great misery and distress, because everything belongs to the few rich and mighty but nothing to the poor, except what the rich and mighty want to give them in a scanty measure for the heavy work that they have done for them.
(Great Gospel of John Book 20, chap. 30. About future events)
"[1] Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.
[2] However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offense, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad consequence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.
[3] But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves. The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second deluge by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.
[4] But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time, the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.
[5] Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.
[6] Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”
(Great Gospel of John Book 18, chap. 99. The coming judgments )
[5] But when too many people will have reached the full measure of their evil, then the time of their unpunished evil actions will be shortened by Me for the sake of the still few good ones and chosen ones, and then their own judgment and their death will devour them before the eyes of the few righteous ones, just like it was the case at the time of Noah, and of Abraham and Lot, and also partially at the time of Joshua, and as it still will be repeatedly the case from now on.
[6] The beginning of that will soon be experienced by the Jews, as well as later by other kingdoms with their rulers and nations. And in not completely 2.000 years there will again be a very big and general judgment, leading to salvation of the good ones and to ruin of the worldly great ones and the complete loveless people.
[7] How that judgment will look like and what it will imply, that I have revealed already several times to all My disciples who are present here with Me, and after Me they will proclaim it to the nations of the Earth. Happy the one who will take it at heart and who will arrange his life accordingly, so that he will not be taken by the judgment.
(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap 97. About the measure of good and evil)
[16] Correspondingly, when men become, concerning their inner life activity, lukewarm, lazy, sleepy and without light, then immediately great movements will arise in the endless great spirit world, and these will then cause by their influence also all kinds of movements and waves among men who still live on this Earth. Then one nation rises against the other, one teaching fights against the other, and this will continue for a long time until men will be led to the greatest possible life activity.
[17] As a result, it will then also become clearer and lighter among them. The apparent need makes them inventive and forces them in this manner to an ever greater and more orderly activity. Because of that, the nations will learn to know each other, who before hardly knew anything of each other, and in time they will become useful for each other, and in course of time the light will increase among them and will in the first place bring about a greater longing for an almost tangible proven truth of life.
[18] When finally the need will become more general and the people will be no more satisfied with the pure authoritative belief, which is all the time a cause of the dark and lazy superstition, then the time will have come to give them a great and tangible light of life, full of clearness and truth.
[19] And look, a lot of people on the whole Earth who nowadays are as if seized by a deep sleep by all kinds of laziness and darkness of life, must thus be led into a heavy stormy movement until they can be awakened after a long series of periods of time to a point where in this awakened condition they finally begin to feel what they are lacking.”
(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap. 10. The order in the household of God)

Particular prophecies about the Second Coming of the Lord and the global mass movements
Are there any divine prophecies about the growing mass movements for social justice starting in 2011?
Let's read the words put on paper by Jacob Lorber more than 150 years ago and offering the revelations given by Jesus Christ to His disciples during His earthly life...
“2. It shall be as in the days of Noah; love shall be on the wane and go completely cold; faith in a pure life and God recognizing teaching revealed to men from the heavens shall be converted into darkest, dead superstition full of lies and deception, and rulers once again shall use men like animals and slaughter them cold-bloodedly and most callously if not submitting to the dazzling powers without protest! The mighty shall be tormenting the poor with all kinds of repression, and persecute and suppress any freer spirit by any means, and therewith a tribulation shall come over mankind such as never was! But then the days shall be shortened on account of the elect, otherwise even the elect, who shall be found among the poor, should perish!
But until then another thousand and not quite a second thousand years shall elapse! Whereupon I shall send the same angels which you see here now unto mankind with rallying trumpets. These shall so to speak awaken the spiritually slain mankind of the earth from the graves of their night, and like a pillar of fire rolling over the world, these many awoken millions shall fall upon the world powers, and none shall be able to stem them!" (GGJ 1, chp. 72)
"[...]Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in about 2.000 years. The time, in which this can, and also certainly will take place, is as easy to recognize as can be seen in the late winter when spring draws near and you look at the trees and see how their buds are swelling more and more and become more juicy and how the juice, just like the tears of men, will drop down from their branches and twigs on the soil, and in a certain way are begging for deliverance from the need of the winter in which so many trees were pining away.
[7] So once the heart of the poor people will become brighter by the light of the truth from God, and will swell, and when moreover by the merciless and limitless suppression the soil will become humid because of their tears, then the great spiritual spring has come very close
(91. About the necessity and purpose of temptations - GGJ - Book 20, chap. 91)
“Not until true, purelove and the corresponding humility will rule and guide the natins, will it no longer be generally dark on the earth. There will certainly at all times be individuals who walk in the light, but always only few. As long as there are worldly-great and excessively proud and ambitious rulers in the world, the seed of pride and of the lust for power will continue to grow rapidly in all ranks of humankind and night, darkness, selfishness, envy, avarice, persecution and betrayal, as the true elements of hell, will not cease until the time of the Great Judgement, when I shall cleanse the earth anew through fire. After that time no king will rule any more, but only the light of God.’ And upon the question of the innkeeper when this time will come, the Lord says:
[10] “You can accept as full truth that almost every two thousand years there is a great change on this earth. So it will also be, counting from now.” (GGJ VI chp. 76)
Let's read the words put on paper by Jacob Lorber more than 150 years ago and offering the revelations given by Jesus Christ to His disciples during His earthly life...
“2. It shall be as in the days of Noah; love shall be on the wane and go completely cold; faith in a pure life and God recognizing teaching revealed to men from the heavens shall be converted into darkest, dead superstition full of lies and deception, and rulers once again shall use men like animals and slaughter them cold-bloodedly and most callously if not submitting to the dazzling powers without protest! The mighty shall be tormenting the poor with all kinds of repression, and persecute and suppress any freer spirit by any means, and therewith a tribulation shall come over mankind such as never was! But then the days shall be shortened on account of the elect, otherwise even the elect, who shall be found among the poor, should perish!
But until then another thousand and not quite a second thousand years shall elapse! Whereupon I shall send the same angels which you see here now unto mankind with rallying trumpets. These shall so to speak awaken the spiritually slain mankind of the earth from the graves of their night, and like a pillar of fire rolling over the world, these many awoken millions shall fall upon the world powers, and none shall be able to stem them!" (GGJ 1, chp. 72)
"[...]Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in about 2.000 years. The time, in which this can, and also certainly will take place, is as easy to recognize as can be seen in the late winter when spring draws near and you look at the trees and see how their buds are swelling more and more and become more juicy and how the juice, just like the tears of men, will drop down from their branches and twigs on the soil, and in a certain way are begging for deliverance from the need of the winter in which so many trees were pining away.
[7] So once the heart of the poor people will become brighter by the light of the truth from God, and will swell, and when moreover by the merciless and limitless suppression the soil will become humid because of their tears, then the great spiritual spring has come very close
(91. About the necessity and purpose of temptations - GGJ - Book 20, chap. 91)
“Not until true, purelove and the corresponding humility will rule and guide the natins, will it no longer be generally dark on the earth. There will certainly at all times be individuals who walk in the light, but always only few. As long as there are worldly-great and excessively proud and ambitious rulers in the world, the seed of pride and of the lust for power will continue to grow rapidly in all ranks of humankind and night, darkness, selfishness, envy, avarice, persecution and betrayal, as the true elements of hell, will not cease until the time of the Great Judgement, when I shall cleanse the earth anew through fire. After that time no king will rule any more, but only the light of God.’ And upon the question of the innkeeper when this time will come, the Lord says:
[10] “You can accept as full truth that almost every two thousand years there is a great change on this earth. So it will also be, counting from now.” (GGJ VI chp. 76)
A message of the Lord for His followers before His Second Coming
- Sermon 20 (The Sermons of the Lord - through Gottfried Mayerhofer)
First Sunday After Easter. The Lord Appears to His Disciples
t. John XX, 19-31: "When the same day at evening, being the first day of the
week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, we have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name."
(March 5, 1872)
This chapter confirms My resurrection and shows you its importance and that it was essential if My teaching, dearly paid for with such great sacrifices, was to have permanency and success, for you find My disciples frightened, lacking courage and faith, locking themselves in their houses.
When I appeared to My disciples - as I did to Mary Magdalene at the tomb - one of them was so unbelieving that he would only convince himself of My resurrection by touching My wounds. All that happened in those times, including the other signs Jesus did before the disciples behind closed doors, signs of which you will learn later, too, - all this will gradually happen before people's eyes when I next come to the earth.
The more the number of believers in My pure teaching, as I am giving it to you now, will grow, the more will they have to experience all the stages of enthusiasm, doubt, disbelief and all the violent emotions of spiritual life, for circumstances will often bear witness against Me. People will be misleading My followers in their belief, they will persecute them, hate them and, wherever possible, take revenge on them.
At that time there will also be doubting people, like Thomas, who, misled and discouraged, have thrown all their former peace of mind and faith overboard and will only be able to be healed through My personal appearance.
What at the time of My life on earth were the houses with locked doors, in future will be the hearts of those people who will allow entry neither to the world nor to the spiritual. There, too, I wil have to call gently to the hearts of My followers: "Do not be afraid!" and "Peace be with you!", because they, too, without support, are at the point where they may lose everything and perish in eternal doubts.
There will be many who, like Thomas, do not believe at all. They do not even listen to My voice any more and can only be led back to their previously entered road by factual proofs.
Thus also My believers and future children will have to pass the last crucial test of true faith, for if they - like once My disciples - are to be sent out to inspire others with trust and faith, they must necessarily possess these themselves, from the outset, in the highest degree. I once said that I shall be known by My words and deeds. In the same way also My children and future disciples must be recognized by their actions and words, thereby proving to the others that trust and firm belief are the prerequisites it they want to become worthy of Me.
At that time, I said to Thomas after he had felt My wounds with his fingers: "Because thou hast seen Me thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed!"
You, too, My children, to whom I have already given so much spiritual bread, are not in the least better than My disciples. You, too, are discouraged and faint-hearted, you begin to doubt, brood over My words and turn to the world with its seductive attractions if everything does not immediately work out as you would like it. You, too, shut yourselves away, like the snail in its house, and try to ignore both the inner and outer world if there seem to be contradictions when you cannot reconcile certain actions and events with My all-embracing love. Then I must call to you: "Why do you cry? Save your tears for other occasions; He, Whom you believe to be separated and distant from you, is quite close, but not physically, only spiritually!" Mary Magdalene I had to tell, too: "Touch Me not," for it was My spiritualized body which she was seeing and which was not suitable for human physical touch. When I came to My disciples in their locked houses, I allowed them to have the impression as if they were feeling My physically; but actually it was no longer I.
For, as My mission had ended with the death on the cross, I ceased to have a physical body. It was already spiritualized so as to reunite with the source of its divine essence within a few days.
As this Gospel mentions, I performed many other signs for My disciples, that is, I opened their spiritual eyes and ears, so that they, still more convinced of My deity, might gain the courage to withstand all future dangers that would be brought about by circumstances and their teaching mission.
As long as I still walked among them physically they did not have a firm conviction that I was a godlike being with powers and attributes ordinary people did not possess. They did witness My miracles, but lived and believed only under their compulsion. The moment I had been taken away from them and this direct influence abated or ceased altogether, their firm belief, their confidence and trust, had faded away. If I had not risen from the dead and fulfilled all My former promises, My disciples would have promptly returned to their previous occupations and regarded their experiences with Me only as a dream of which nothing but a memory would have remained of the reality of which they would not have been able to convince anybody.
And as I then had to put My seal to My work with My resurrection, My repeated appearances among My disciples during forty days and My ascension, thus I must now guide and strengthen you, My children, in your faith and trust.
If at that time I gave My disciples the Holy Spirit by breathing on them, if I invested them with the power to remit or retain sins - a power later on so much misinterpreted and misused by the clergy - I did this only because they had gained the firm conviction that there is only one God Who, superior to all that is material, is a spirit and can only be comprehended as such, and that this God, Jesus, was their guide. Thus also My might could be transferred to them, and it had to work, for My disciples only used it for noble purposes and aspired only after My spiritual aim to make people My children.
Just as My disciples could work miracles and heal the sick solely by the power of the Word, you and My future followers, if you have a firm faith in My might and participation, shall also receive the power to perform acts which are impossible to the ordinary person but will be easy enough to the one reborn in the spirit. The times and circumstances will educate you towards this. I have called many for this work, but whether you belong to the chosen ones depends on you alone.
Do not shut off your heart to My fatherly voice! Even when the last rays of hope are fading, do not lose heart! I am and remain always with those who want to stay with Me at all costs. Do not wait for My personal appearance like Thomas, but prepare yourselves to believe and trust firmly, so that My appearance will be only a confirmation of that which you have already believed and hoped for.
Then you will be able to help Me, yourselves and your fellowmen as I once helped My disciples during My life among them. Do not allow doubts to attack your heart nor brooding to weaken your faith! My children shall not keep their hearts shut. With their gaze directed upward above all worldly things, they shall always remember My sacrifice, My love and fatherly care for them and all living creatures so that their heart, as a permanent temple of My love and with unshakable faith in My infallibility, may be a true support in all life's difficulties and against all temptations through doubts and disbelief. Then you will always be hearing within you: "Peace be with you!" For, where through faith in Me and My love peace is already dwelling in a heart, I do not have to bring it, but can just confirm it.
Therefore, I am calling to you: Peace be with you and may it never leave your hearts that I may always gain free entry into them and do not have to force My way through locked doors with the power of My will, but find your hearts prepared to accept Me as the One Who, also to His disciples in those times, was nothing else but their leader, guide and Father! Amen.
First Sunday After Easter. The Lord Appears to His Disciples
t. John XX, 19-31: "When the same day at evening, being the first day of the
week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, we have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.
And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name."
(March 5, 1872)
This chapter confirms My resurrection and shows you its importance and that it was essential if My teaching, dearly paid for with such great sacrifices, was to have permanency and success, for you find My disciples frightened, lacking courage and faith, locking themselves in their houses.
When I appeared to My disciples - as I did to Mary Magdalene at the tomb - one of them was so unbelieving that he would only convince himself of My resurrection by touching My wounds. All that happened in those times, including the other signs Jesus did before the disciples behind closed doors, signs of which you will learn later, too, - all this will gradually happen before people's eyes when I next come to the earth.
The more the number of believers in My pure teaching, as I am giving it to you now, will grow, the more will they have to experience all the stages of enthusiasm, doubt, disbelief and all the violent emotions of spiritual life, for circumstances will often bear witness against Me. People will be misleading My followers in their belief, they will persecute them, hate them and, wherever possible, take revenge on them.
At that time there will also be doubting people, like Thomas, who, misled and discouraged, have thrown all their former peace of mind and faith overboard and will only be able to be healed through My personal appearance.
What at the time of My life on earth were the houses with locked doors, in future will be the hearts of those people who will allow entry neither to the world nor to the spiritual. There, too, I wil have to call gently to the hearts of My followers: "Do not be afraid!" and "Peace be with you!", because they, too, without support, are at the point where they may lose everything and perish in eternal doubts.
There will be many who, like Thomas, do not believe at all. They do not even listen to My voice any more and can only be led back to their previously entered road by factual proofs.
Thus also My believers and future children will have to pass the last crucial test of true faith, for if they - like once My disciples - are to be sent out to inspire others with trust and faith, they must necessarily possess these themselves, from the outset, in the highest degree. I once said that I shall be known by My words and deeds. In the same way also My children and future disciples must be recognized by their actions and words, thereby proving to the others that trust and firm belief are the prerequisites it they want to become worthy of Me.
At that time, I said to Thomas after he had felt My wounds with his fingers: "Because thou hast seen Me thou hast believed; blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed!"
You, too, My children, to whom I have already given so much spiritual bread, are not in the least better than My disciples. You, too, are discouraged and faint-hearted, you begin to doubt, brood over My words and turn to the world with its seductive attractions if everything does not immediately work out as you would like it. You, too, shut yourselves away, like the snail in its house, and try to ignore both the inner and outer world if there seem to be contradictions when you cannot reconcile certain actions and events with My all-embracing love. Then I must call to you: "Why do you cry? Save your tears for other occasions; He, Whom you believe to be separated and distant from you, is quite close, but not physically, only spiritually!" Mary Magdalene I had to tell, too: "Touch Me not," for it was My spiritualized body which she was seeing and which was not suitable for human physical touch. When I came to My disciples in their locked houses, I allowed them to have the impression as if they were feeling My physically; but actually it was no longer I.
For, as My mission had ended with the death on the cross, I ceased to have a physical body. It was already spiritualized so as to reunite with the source of its divine essence within a few days.
As this Gospel mentions, I performed many other signs for My disciples, that is, I opened their spiritual eyes and ears, so that they, still more convinced of My deity, might gain the courage to withstand all future dangers that would be brought about by circumstances and their teaching mission.
As long as I still walked among them physically they did not have a firm conviction that I was a godlike being with powers and attributes ordinary people did not possess. They did witness My miracles, but lived and believed only under their compulsion. The moment I had been taken away from them and this direct influence abated or ceased altogether, their firm belief, their confidence and trust, had faded away. If I had not risen from the dead and fulfilled all My former promises, My disciples would have promptly returned to their previous occupations and regarded their experiences with Me only as a dream of which nothing but a memory would have remained of the reality of which they would not have been able to convince anybody.
And as I then had to put My seal to My work with My resurrection, My repeated appearances among My disciples during forty days and My ascension, thus I must now guide and strengthen you, My children, in your faith and trust.
If at that time I gave My disciples the Holy Spirit by breathing on them, if I invested them with the power to remit or retain sins - a power later on so much misinterpreted and misused by the clergy - I did this only because they had gained the firm conviction that there is only one God Who, superior to all that is material, is a spirit and can only be comprehended as such, and that this God, Jesus, was their guide. Thus also My might could be transferred to them, and it had to work, for My disciples only used it for noble purposes and aspired only after My spiritual aim to make people My children.
Just as My disciples could work miracles and heal the sick solely by the power of the Word, you and My future followers, if you have a firm faith in My might and participation, shall also receive the power to perform acts which are impossible to the ordinary person but will be easy enough to the one reborn in the spirit. The times and circumstances will educate you towards this. I have called many for this work, but whether you belong to the chosen ones depends on you alone.
Do not shut off your heart to My fatherly voice! Even when the last rays of hope are fading, do not lose heart! I am and remain always with those who want to stay with Me at all costs. Do not wait for My personal appearance like Thomas, but prepare yourselves to believe and trust firmly, so that My appearance will be only a confirmation of that which you have already believed and hoped for.
Then you will be able to help Me, yourselves and your fellowmen as I once helped My disciples during My life among them. Do not allow doubts to attack your heart nor brooding to weaken your faith! My children shall not keep their hearts shut. With their gaze directed upward above all worldly things, they shall always remember My sacrifice, My love and fatherly care for them and all living creatures so that their heart, as a permanent temple of My love and with unshakable faith in My infallibility, may be a true support in all life's difficulties and against all temptations through doubts and disbelief. Then you will always be hearing within you: "Peace be with you!" For, where through faith in Me and My love peace is already dwelling in a heart, I do not have to bring it, but can just confirm it.
Therefore, I am calling to you: Peace be with you and may it never leave your hearts that I may always gain free entry into them and do not have to force My way through locked doors with the power of My will, but find your hearts prepared to accept Me as the One Who, also to His disciples in those times, was nothing else but their leader, guide and Father! Amen.

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