Let's see if this is clear enough... I will put here a greater excerpt from the GGJ (Great Gospel of John), for it also has a reference to His workers of today... which may mean something for each one of us.
So we have here the Lord speaking to His blessed disciples 2000 years ago...
"And just as the Jews had to endure captivity because of their sins and fell into idolatry, so also the people of the future will, for the sake of their maturing, fall into similar mistakes – yes they can and shall fall into exactly the same ones. Just as I awakened prophets among the Jewish people, also prophets will arise there and purify the pure teaching from the Heavens of all additions.
[11] However, this people is as good as totally unknown to you now, but in time they will arise with great force and will smash to pieces everything that is rotten and useless, for they are mighty in their still intact natural force.
The same teachers that came down here as My servants will also come back again there, partly in the flesh, partly in the spirit, and they will testify of Me with great enthusiasm and all-conquering force, as they testified of Me up to now. And I will be invisible at their side and lead them.
[12] But then, once that people will also have reached such a height that foreign kings are afraid that they will possess the Earth, like the Romans now, a time will come with full of surprises for the nations on Earth.
For not that people will be the middle point, but a new people will arise that will be formed from the most noble generations of all people. These will conquer the world with My power. And peace and unity will and must then rule over all nations and peoples. And amidst that new people, salvation will be born that will need neither king nor law but only this: `Love God above all and your fellow man as yourself.'
[13] And you, My faithful followers will be co-workers of this new material and spiritual kingdom. That is why you are gathered here, namely to hear already in your first earthly days from My mouth for what purpose I am calling you. For all those who are for you now invisible and who will also be workers for the bliss of this Earth – and through this Earth, the universe and the spiritual kingdom – are also present. And they rejoice over you as co-workers of the work that has started. But you will see them, those great legions that are necessary to make the work prosper."
[14] After these words I opened for all those who were present their spiritual sight, and they saw all prophets and angels of My Heavens who came in a most friendly manner near to them and they talked with them about My latest revelations.
This scene lasted for about one hour, and all those who were present asked every possible question to the spirits who answered them in a very friendly way. Then I called John the Baptist and Elijah to Me, whom those who were present knew only in the personality of the Baptist.(*) And I said loudly in the presence of all: "
You have been My predecessor in this great time of My coming to the people, and you will again be My predecessor when that great time will arise about which I have spoken. But the people will not recognize you then, despite that you will know who you actually are, because that last temptation in the flesh that you can expect will become the foundation for the building of the dawning kingdom of peace.
[2] The people at the time of your next life will care little about your word, but it will be written in their soul with burning letters so that they will nevertheless feel it when they will be free of their body. That word of you will be My Word, and I will demand an account of everyone who heard it but despised it.
[3] But you, My loved ones and faithful ones who are gathered around Me and are surprised about the things that clearly happen now before your eyes, will form the tribe of those who will form the new elect people, and you yourselves will contribute to its foundation in My name as a great brotherhood that draws strength from My Spirit to perform great deeds." (GGJ Book 25, chp54-55/ XI,30)
(*) So this is about three years after his death ordered by Herod and short before Lord's own death.
But we know more about John the Baptist - right from the beginning of the GGJ:
"6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. (John 1:6)
[1]This man, who preached repentance by the Jordan and baptised the converted with water, was called John. In this man dwelt the spirit of the prophet Elias, and this was the same angel spirit who in the very beginning defeated Lucifer and later on the noted mountain wrestled with Lucifer for the body of Moses." (archangel Michael) (GGJ I, 2)
So, it seems that's why it is called The Great Gospel of John... :-)

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